X box & Baked's virgin grow


Well-Known Member
I have friend who I run a business with . He recently got his Medical Card and we took some of our storage and made a grow room . We are noobs and are trying a couple of different things . We will scrod 2 of them . We will LST at least one . Some we will let just grow . We have mixed different dirt mixes and or Sure Start . We will probably be trying different nutes and minerals as well .
We have a 600w HPS ballast but are running a 600w MH conversion Bulb for veg . We will buy a 1000w HPS ballast and bulb for flowering . We are running a 18/6 schedule to veg . And 12/12 for flowering . We have not yet installed our filter as there is a skunk living under our storage and our babbies are just clones in dirt at this point .
Here are pics of our set up . The first couple pics are before we even completed the room . Please feel free to comment or offer advice . We really need some help on when to introduce nutes , what kind and how much .



Well-Known Member
X box and Baked, Ha cool name, I am a gamer, BF2 but pc and I get baked.

Hey one thing. Down the line if you have problems with your grow it would be good to know what they are planted in.
You might want to make notes if you can remember what's what.

Good Luck Guys.


Nice Start For Real Homies the Seedling's are looking Excellent!:clap:
..Droxster the Dro Chokster is Subed!!!


Well-Known Member
Thanx guys . We used mostly Happy Frog Organic . Some E.B. Stone . Some we used E.B. Stone Sure Start . Some we mixed the 2 different dirts . We have labled everything so when we are done we can see what werked best . I will start a spread sheet as well .
X box player is my homi's tag ,btw .


yeah, its looking good. So does anybody recommend any nutrients we should use? and how to apply it? Also when should we install our scrog (Screen Of Green)? And when do you know its okay to trim leafs? Thanks People.


Well-Known Member
We are going to water tomorrow . First time , I guess no nutes . Anything to look out for or suggestions ?


Well-Known Member
Day 3 from transplanting clones . We watered for the first time today , as well as misted . Our temp seems to be fluctuating too much . When lights are on we are @ 84 degrees F . But at night when we are resting them the temp drops to 57 degrees F . What about humidity ? Where should that be ? We started 1 plant on LST today as well . We do not have ph meter yet but will get 1 soon . We are considering getting some Lady Bugs to throw in there , we have no insects yet , but don't want them moving in . Anyone see something terribly wrong here ? As we are noobs and are looking for help .Thanks .


dirt clean

Well-Known Member
Congratulations. It looks good. I can suggest a few things, no condescension dude. :)

-Try to lower the light.
-keep in one gallons for now, wait till you see roots.
-water a quart whenever the dirt is dry an inch down. use yer finger. A quart a gallon is a good rule to water. Never over a gal.
-Keep the temp 65-78. 78-70F would be good. A 10 degree drop in nightime dark temps is good for flower.
-if you are medical like me you will end up growing organic soil trees for your best bet. ftw.
-I like this company on ebay called Blue mountain organics or Pure blend pro, their full line. In the end I am betting water only grows with pre-ferted super soil.
-Good ventilation on the fan and lower that 600 to 2 feet maybe till the clones are ready. Try 7 gallon grow bags for flower. TREES!

lol, this is fun.

Oh yeah, smell will be a big deal no matter what. I suggest a charcoal filter and an ozone generator. Use a UV model, corona discharge will kill yer plants with nitric acid.

dirt clean

Well-Known Member
Oh yeah, I love the lady bugs. Get them! I got them and they were good. No bugs. When they died after a time, then I got bugs. I live in a bad for bug area. I tried a diy compost outside and the fruit flies got right in. If you get in to organic worms farms and things, which are a good idea, I love mine, keep it inside.

hehe, fresh castings are awesome. Adding worm castings to yer waterings, aerated for 18 hours with 1 tbsp blackstrap molasses will make yer plants love yu. I hope this is not boring. As a pain patient this is way to fun wiritng. rofl.


Well-Known Member
Thanx for the help .
nice goin guys!! Yeah dirt clean pretty much pointed out the issues. Regulate the temp and get that ph meter!!! Kick ass, I second the BMO nutes, as u probably know by now, if u've read my threads. If u want great advice through all stages of ur growth I reccommend subcools organic thread!!!!!!!!!! That guy rulzzz. And OhSOgreen is another organic god. He speaketh the truth. You can find ohsogreen off my profile page, and just go under the organic thread and subcool is the very first. Highly reccommend his readings/writings.... holla back if u need anything, between guys like dirt clean, ohsogreen, and myself. We'll get u goin and growin my friends.



Well-Known Member
OK , we are at day 10 . We have tied one down and I pinched another one . Pinched way to hard and almost broke it off . But it seems to be doing well . Any input is welcomed .



Well-Known Member
We are @ 2 weeks now . We have decided with limited head room we are going to LST and scrog our garden . So today we tied them down . I have topped 2 of them and we are leaving the smaller pot to just grow . We did get a ph meter and are watering with 6.3 ph level . Today we took all plants outside and watered BIG . Just about 1/2 gallon per plant and let the extra water drain out , then put them back inside . How long until we need to think about nutes ? Any comments are welcome .

Sorry wrong pics ! I will repost in a few minutes .



Well-Known Member
We are @ 2 weeks now . We have decided with limited head room we are going to LST and scrog our garden . So today we tied them down . I have topped 2 of them and we are leaving the smaller pot to just grow . We did get a ph meter and are watering with 6.3 ph level . Today we took all plants outside and watered BIG . Just about 1/2 gallon per plant and let the extra water drain out , then put them back inside . How long until we need to think about nutes ? Any comments are welcome .

Sorry wrong pics ! I will repost in a few minutes .
Here we go .


Well-Known Member
Thanx dood . ur the man . When should I introduce nutes ? I feel we will need to veg a little extra time to get them short and bushy before budding . What do you think ?


Well-Known Member
Thanx dood . ur the man . When should I introduce nutes ? I feel we will need to veg a little extra time to get them short and bushy before budding . What do you think ?
since u started out with good soil, and they look healthy, i would wait to nute them at around the 5th-6th week, and start off real slow on the nutes. Maybe a quarter of the recommended dosage( according to label). If u go organic nutes ur chance of burning ur plants is less, so u can give around half of recommended dosage to start. Depending on phenotype, some plants may eat more nutes than others, so watch carefully. As far as flowering goes, or when to start, just start them when u want. If u want more yield, then wait, keep training them, and put into flower when their healthy and are full to support budz. Its really up to u when u want them to flower. I would think about cloning in the next couple of weeks if u want to continue the grow perpertually. Or pull one female aside and keep her in veg and use her just to clone off of. Very simple and this will save u time on ur next grow. My friend keeps 4 moms in veg and and takes his clones, veg's for 3-4 weeks and then puts into flower. Each of these clones in around 45 days will give him and ounce +. He does 16 clones at once and continues this perpetually or constantly... Just something to think about and of course u can do less and still get plenty of personal smoke. When u get ready to flower I would lower the PH of ur water to around 5.5. This will help ur nutes be more effective among other things. Other than that all seems well. sorry so long winded, holla any time :peace:


Well-Known Member
I just re-read my first post . lol , what a difference a month makes . Well , we have decided to sgrog all of them except 1 that we will let just grow with no training . We decided with our limited head room we should tie them all down and have short fat bushes . I have noticed the Sour Diesel seems to react a certain way to the LST and right now they look kind of like a vine with little sprouts along the stem . I hope that when the sprouts take off it will be very bushy and produce a lot . We have topped a couple and been LSTing them about 1 or 2 times a week . But are just letting them go as it seems maybe we are stunting the growth , and we want them to get a bit bigger now . We started adding nutes last week and are doing a very light mix ( about 1/2 what the bottle says ) . We think they look great , but we might not be looking for the right things . We have noticed some stems look kind of purple , I heard that was caused by a nute deficiency . What do you guys think of our girls so far? Suggestions welcome . Thanks to Arm Length Buds and all the other Vets who have offered help , much of which we feel has helped .

