Reservoir Questions


Well-Known Member
I've just started my first grow in an Aerogarden Deluxe and I have a couple of questions.

First, Is it ok to add PH Down directly to my reservoir? The PH rises steadily throughout the day and I have been adjusting it twice each day by just adding the PH down until its correct. Since its acid that I'm adding I'm afraid it might mess up the plants (although they seem fine). If this is not ok than it seems like the only other option would be to drain the rez completely and re-fill with PH'd and nute'd water, which doesnt make any sense to do every day.

Second, What it a good way to keep the temperature of the reservoir water cool? Mine seems really warm, and I know thats not good.

Thanks for any help! :peace:


You can do it a couple of ways. You can make the initial nute sol'n on the acidic side of your safe range. Make a second sol'n that has the correct ph ( to the low side of your range) and don't fill the rez to the very top. Everyday add a little bit of your premix sol'n to the AG. If you can, keep the sol'n a bit colder than room temp. If you don't want to do that, you can add your pH down to a bit of water then add it to your AG so that your not adding 100% strength acid to the AG. To cool the AG rez down, you can buy flexible ice packs and form them to the outside of the AG rez. Put a piece of tin foil on top of the AG "table", the part that snaps into the rez where the plants grow. The foil should help deflect some of the light and heat off the AG. You may want to consider getting a very small air pump from walmart to help aerate the water. The stones and the pumps on the AG tend to go out or get clogged.


Well-Known Member
You can do it a couple of ways. You can make the initial nute sol'n on the acidic side of your safe range. Make a second sol'n that has the correct ph ( to the low side of your range) and don't fill the rez to the very top. Everyday add a little bit of your premix sol'n to the AG. If you can, keep the sol'n a bit colder than room temp. If you don't want to do that, you can add your pH down to a bit of water then add it to your AG so that your not adding 100% strength acid to the AG. To cool the AG rez down, you can buy flexible ice packs and form them to the outside of the AG rez. Put a piece of tin foil on top of the AG "table", the part that snaps into the rez where the plants grow. The foil should help deflect some of the light and heat off the AG. You may want to consider getting a very small air pump from walmart to help aerate the water. The stones and the pumps on the AG tend to go out or get clogged.
Hey thanks Dorian! Those sound like excellent ideas. Lowering the temp and PH safely were my only real concerns, as everything else seems to be doing great. I have a small pump running a 10in airstone inside the rez, so I'm good there. Would mylar be just as good as tin foil for covering the grow surface to reflect heat? I've read tin foil is bad for reflectivity (causes hotspots) but mylar is good.

Thanks again for the solid advice man. :peace:


Active Member
Hey thanks Dorian! Those sound like excellent ideas. Lowering the temp and PH safely were my only real concerns, as everything else seems to be doing great. I have a small pump running a 10in airstone inside the rez, so I'm good there. Would mylar be just as good as tin foil for covering the grow surface to reflect heat? I've read tin foil is bad for reflectivity (causes hotspots) but mylar is good.

Thanks again for the solid advice man. :peace:
ello m8ty 1st good luck with the grow, if ur gonna use the foil use the dull side but ur mylar is alot better :joint:


I don't think the foil will cause a hotspot with the AG. The lights aren't powerful enough. The Mylar will have better reflectivity, but if you spill and want to change the foil, its cheaper than the mylar. Like vinny said, dull side up. Good luck!