Uncle Ben's Topping Technique to Get 2 or 4 Main Colas

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my outdoor plants are anywhere from 5-9 nodes tall now. According to the chart , especially my 9 node plants, I can expect them to be much smaller colas than if I had topped them early on. Does it still make sense to top at this point for the most yield??? They should be vegging into august giving me plenty of time.....
my outdoor plants are anywhere from 5-9 nodes tall now. According to the chart , especially my 9 node plants, I can expect them to be much smaller colas than if I had topped them early on. Does it still make sense to top at this point for the most yield??? They should be vegging into august giving me plenty of time.....

Don't top, would be my recommendation. Just keep 'em green.

You did well to remember that
Actually, I hunted a few pages for it without luck, then noticed somebody +rep'd me for it recently, and it linked me right to it.. Most useful reputation event yet.. Most of the rep I get is just for making ppl laugh via sarcasm..:)

Oh and I think you're confusing the original post.. UB's method calls to top down to where that pic shows 'when' the plants are at 5-6 nodes, not to 5th-6th node..
Here are some pics of my plants, I topped them after reading this guide (for 4 main colas).

They have just gone into flowering, about 5 days in. Ignore the little ones next to them, they are still babies that im experimenting with.




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I agree, that is really nice kootabuds. I really respect someone that can grow a plant that looks that good and healthy. Keep up the good work. I also like the fact that you're using reflective material on all planes (except the ceiling of course.) I use moveable side panels as a tweek keeping them as close to the plants as possible throughout the plant's life.

Hope you enjoy all those main colas.

Unlce Ben,

I've been reading up on your posts/threads and have learned an incredible amount of knowledge.
However, Im kinda confused on EXACTLY where to cut. So here goes my first question to you..

Do you have a diagram of exactly where to top, in order to get 4 colas?
I see so many uninformed ppl making diagrams and hindering the correct way to understand it.
Can you please direct me to or provide a diagram of how to do this?

I think I understand most of it, but I am a visual learner and it would be VERY helpful!


See page one. Don't have a diagram, and you don't need one. Just pinch out the plant above the 2nd true node. It doesn't get any simpler than that.

Good luck,
Hey UB,

I was searching other grow site and I was at a page devoted mainly to vertical growing. I was impressed till I saw a thread saying Topping to get 2 or 4 MAIN colas. It didn't have your name anywhere in it. The guy that runs the site tried to clame it was his and I just wanted to give you the link in case you wanted to say anything. http://www.verticalgreen.org/showthread.php?t=20 It's sad people will take other people work and claim it as their own.
But brutal plagarism is the highest form of flattery.. If you do go there UB don't announce yourself, just pose as an ultra-noob and play with his head..:)
Hey UB,

I was searching other grow site and I was at a page devoted mainly to vertical growing. I was impressed till I saw a thread saying Topping to get 2 or 4 MAIN colas. It didn't have your name anywhere in it. The guy that runs the site tried to clame it was his and I just wanted to give you the link in case you wanted to say anything. http://www.verticalgreen.org/showthread.php?t=20 It's sad people will take other people work and claim it as their own.

He doesn't claim it as his own, he says "I decided to reproduce a thread on my favorite topping method published at cann.com about 10 years ago. Even though I've got much better photos from many latter grows both indoor and outdoor, I'm gonna stick with the old photos from the original thread."

He said he got it from cann.com 10 years ago. Did you post it there 10 years ago UB?
Thanks born2killspam and UB for your comments on my pics.

There going pretty good for my first grow :)

Had a few problems early on, but got them sorted pretty quicky.
HEy Uncle Ben! I jus Fimmed my plant On Saturday Mornin. It stopped growin 4 a few then it started back that day.
But wat should i be lookin 4 if it worked???
By the way my plant is 2weeks 2day.
I fimmed the 3rd set of leaves that were about 2 come in
FIM is a different techinique.. It is topping, but UB tops large, where as FIM is topping small.. Actually, if done properly (which is easier said than done unless you've got the hands of a brain sugeon) FIMing is actually precisely topping before the topmost two nodes stretch apart.. The node you see, and the infant node inside of it, before it grows further upward..
Hormone shifts are identical, with FIM you may still get new shoots coming out at lower nodes, but as UB stated he takes the plant down to the second node because topping a plant pretty much will always facilitate strong new growth for 2 nodes downwards, and anything further is unpredictable (unless you know from experience what the particular plant responds like)..
Anyways, so when you FIM properly, you remove the apical meristem, which stops the nodes from separating, and your two new outputs from each of those nodes will grow upwards from virtually the same place instead of being separated by one normal length nodal spacing as UB's method does.. If you FIM improperly, you'll damage the infant node, and either won't get outputs from it at all, (if this occurs you will likely get outputs at the node directly below the visible node you cut at, since as stated most plants are good for shoots from atleast 2 nodes or you'll get failed outputs from the infant node, two outputs from the visible node, and possibly more below..
That was very helpful kuz i didnt let them spread apart a lil be4 i fimm'ed it, i jus cut the tip of the 2 leaves.
Would that hurt it any??
You misunderstand.. If you topped at the 3rd set of fan leaves, then the two nodes in question, are nodes 3 and 4, not 2 and 3.. The infant node is inside of the topmost node.. If you didn't cut low enough then you did nothing since the apical meristem is still intact, therefore the auxin deployment has not been altered, and upward growth will continue.. You'll just have some slice up fan leaves at node 3.. Here is a pic I grabbed from some other thread, and have posted in this one before.. Spread the top node apart to get a look..
Depends on your grow space max height, and personal desire.. There are so many ways to control growth, and none are defacto better than any other for all spaces/growers..
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