Is carbon okay to breath in?

to serve man

Active Member
I have an active carbon filter blowing air into my DR80 grow tent, and the room reeks like the carbon (fresh neutral sterile air). Just wondering if this stuff okay to be breathing in like that? And will this do any harm to the plants having it blow directly on them?


Well-Known Member
Carbon dust is bad to breath. Carbon filtered air is fine, and if anything good to breath cause it's free of most pollutants. Carbon can scrub some CO2 so blowing fresh carbon filtered air onto your plants isn't the best. You should reverse the direction you're blowing. You pull air out of the cabinet then through the filter. You may have to add some passive vents to the tent.

to serve man

Active Member
Yeah, I have a carbon filter attached to the 400W HPS, then blowing out the top for exhausting. But I also have another on the floor which I use for intake. Take a look at the pictures for my set up. What else can I do then? I turned the intake off for now.


to serve man

Active Member
What do you mean get a real light? Also, thanks for using your first and only post on me. I have a 400W HPS that you can see in picture 3. Those CFL's are just for vegging. Its DIY & Ghetto, but hey, it works and has for a long time. I take them down and use the HPS during flowering.

Anyway, anyone know about my question?