why do people hang buds?


Well-Known Member
lets see here, if you lay them down and dont turn them constantly they could mold due to the fact that there is no air moving around the bud. It would work but you would haveta keep a close eye on em


Well-Known Member
if you want to lay them down the best way to do it is to get a framed window screen for a big ass window and use 4 chairs to support the corners... since its a screen it can have air movement all around it... and its light weight so chairs or stools can easily support it... ive done this before with great success... you just need the space to do it.. the screen i used was about 6x5 and took up almost the entire middle of a room...


Well-Known Member
or if you have a room you want to designate as your drying room you can hang the screen from the ceiling from the corners so the screen is suspended horizontally in the air from the ceiling... just an idea


Well-Known Member
I have perferated plastic table that allows air to move through. It is a perfect fit into my grow space, so I just lay mine down with fans running under it. If you are short on drying space, hanging makes the most of it.


Well-Known Member
hm thanks for the ideas. I think i will try the screen idea. the reason i wanna do this is just because i am curious to weigh the buds before and after. without having to weight the stems.

thanks. ive got a big screen upstairs too. (ripped it out of my window the FIRST time i locked myself outta my house) lol


Well-Known Member
I have a rubbermaid bin that has holes cut in the sides. I then put fishing line criss crossing the inside so i can put the branches across. I can put the lid on to keep light out, gets air on all sides and dont have to worry about the mold and its more concealed than hanging it in a closet. They slow a little dryer this way than hanging them, but not that much slower.


Active Member
I heard an old tale that people do that because it helps some of the remaining THC that resides in the stem system to be flushed out into the greenery, I doubt that's true I've seen people that cure hanging a plant roots and all claiming THC is increased cause of it.


Well-Known Member
I heard an old tale that people do that because it helps some of the remaining THC that resides in the stem system to be flushed out into the greenery, I doubt that's true I've seen people that cure hanging a plant roots and all claiming THC is increased cause of it.
i heard this years ago too. i wonder if its true? hmm


Well-Known Member
i heard this years ago too. i wonder if its true? hmm

There is very little if any THC in the stems of a plant, TCH is produced by the resin glands in the budz themselves. I have herd this tho, I have also herd of people boiling the roots to force everything up to the buds. From what I have read it is all BS and a waste of time


Active Member
The only science i can think of is that in living creatures that die have sentiment protein that remains active even after death that causes things like hair, claws and feathers grow after death. I'm not sure how that would work in plants with nutrients remaining after death being flushed out, but I doubt hanging a plant upside down or doing anything to the root causes something that happens naturally to occur. We probably have no affect on a plant after it's death.


Well-Known Member
yeah man i think its a waste of time. i chopped one today and i took the buds right off, drying on a screen as we speak. about 2 and a half ounc. very stinky and sticky. mmm i swear to god i will never buy shit street buds ever again.


Well-Known Member
Correct me if im wrong but to not get mold dont you want the most light possible? You put wet bud in a dark cool cabinet and that shit will be all white and hairy cause of the mold.


Well-Known Member
Correct me if im wrong but to not get mold dont you want the most light possible? You put wet bud in a dark cool cabinet and that shit will be all white and hairy cause of the mold.
Light breaks down the THC. If you put the wet buds in a closed up cabinet without air circulation of course they will mould. I dry mine in a dark storage room with an ocillating fan blowing. I hang the big ones and put small buds on a screen.


Well-Known Member
The only science i can think of is that in living creatures that die have sentiment protein that remains active even after death that causes things like hair, claws and feathers grow after death. I'm not sure how that would work in plants with nutrients remaining after death being flushed out, but I doubt hanging a plant upside down or doing anything to the root causes something that happens naturally to occur. We probably have no affect on a plant after it's death.
That's a myth, the skin shrinks(dehydration), making it appear as though this happens.

I use my dehumidifier exhaust to blow on either hanging or plants laid on aluminum foil(non porous, doesn't hold on to lipids, it's also not potential food for anything, like molds), usually lining a cardboard box. This way I can make a fairly closed system to outside pests, as the dehumidifer filters incoming air, and exhausts out the other side of the box leaving them a warm(speeds drying), fairly dry, dark place to dry out.