the best weed i've ever had!!!


Well-Known Member
hold on like me take a few puffs befor i tell u this....................... ok so yesterday my friend call me and is like do u wanna burn? i tell him yea sure, im high already but sure lets do it. he asks me to go get a dutch and meet him at his house. and for me to go get some green because he was going to match me. i went to the store and got 2 dutches, a bag of munchis(the best) and a can of arizona iced tea(also the best) and i start walking to my friends house. i get stopped by a cop, he asks me for i.d., i ask him why do i need i.d. if im walking. he gets out and asks me if i have anything on me i shouldnt, i say no. he finds the dutches and asks me if i smoke weed i say yes i do, in fact im high right now. (because lying to a cop can get u arrested up here. its what they do if you give them a hard time)so long story short he held me for a while to see if i had a warrent, and he let me go. i go and get my bud from the dealer, and i go to my friends house. my dealer gave me an extra half a gram because he didnt get to weigh it out and i caught him as soon as he got his new shipment. me and my friend stare at the bag and it had the most beautiful hairs on it i have ever seen!. i break it up, and my boy says. "canna, i havent seen you roll befor, how about we have a contest" he takes the outter leaf off and I crack the dutch down the middle. my blunt came out so perfect, and i rolled up the whole sack. then we lit up the 2 blunts and i noticed right away mine was diffrient. it hit really strong. not harsh, but thick. and i was like "you have to try this!!" he takes a puff and is goin crazy lol "omg yo, what is this shit!?" we keep smoking and betime we get down to half way down the blunts were zoned out. i mean, i was seeing colors float around and things were shifting. even my whole life was made into a movie, from the time that i was born. even memories that i forgot about i remembered. and alot of shit was put into perspective. I stayed in that trance for 4 hours. it was 7 in the morning, and when i got out of it, left my friends house, i went to micky d's came home and went to sleep.

it was the best weed i've ever had.................


Well-Known Member
Now thats a story :hump: What the heck was in those cigars?
thats not the worse of it. my body felt like i was hovering. like picture yourself in a lazyboy that had a massager built in. now picture if the chair you were on was off the ground and flying around. thats how i felt the entire time.


Well-Known Member
You told the cop you were high and he was cool with it?
well no he was mad, but the thing is, its not illegal to be high. but it is Illegal to have it in your possession, and also to lie to a cop. abstruction of justice or some shit like that. so as long as i dont have weed on me, i'll just tell the cop yes i am high and yes i do smoke marijuana. rather than to catch me into a lie and throw me in jail for no reason. they only get mad because theres nothing they can do. u know?


Well-Known Member
well no he was mad, but the thing is, its not illegal to be high. but it is Illegal to have it in your possession, and also to lie to a cop. abstruction of justice or some shit like that. so as long as i dont have weed on me, i'll just tell the cop yes i am high and yes i do smoke marijuana. rather than to catch me into a lie and throw me in jail for no reason. they only get mad because theres nothing they can do. u know?
Whatt?? this law is new to me. So you be high just not have any on your possesion? Do you live in the states?


Im pretty sure in the states being high in public is illegal just like its illegal to be drunk.... I think you just have nice police where you live.


Well-Known Member
Whatt?? this law is new to me. So you be high just not have any on your possesion? Do you live in the states?
yea i live in the metropolitian area of NY. idk how it is in other states but ive gotten pulled over and stopped, and they knew i was high. but they didnt do anything about it unless i have bud on me. then they either take it and not give me a ticket. take the bud and give me a ticket. or lying about not having bud on me, take the bud, and arrest me. then i gotta bail myself out, go to court, then pay a fine of 75 for havin bud on me and then pay an aditional fine of 300 for lying to the cop in the first place.


Well-Known Member
Im pretty sure in the states being high in public is illegal just like its illegal to be drunk.... I think you just have nice police where you live.
it depends on how high you are. if your just high, they wont bother you. but if your acting all crazy and what not, they will most likely bring you in. just like being tipsy over being fucked up.

haha. explain to me how they're going to prove you're high?
lol exactly, they cant prove it in court so why not?


To prove your high they can run some simple tests just like they do if you are drunk. People tend to act different when high, and your eyes "stutter" when trying to follow a light or object. Also if you havent used eye drops you will have very red dilated eyes.


Well-Known Member
To prove your high they can run some simple tests just like they do if you are drunk. People tend to act different when high, and your eyes "stutter" when trying to follow a light or object. Also if you havent used eye drops you will have very red dilated eyes.
That really doesn't work when you've been smoking weed. Maybe under the influence of a controlled substance, but not weed. :):peace:


Well-Known Member
haha. explain to me how they're going to prove you're high?
They have a series of test to see if your high. For example they tell you too close your eyes and open them after you think its been 20 seconds.
Another one is the eye test, watching to see if they dart around or focus.
Bunch of crap.


Well-Known Member
They have a series of test to see if your high. For example they tell you too close your eyes and open them after you think its been 20 seconds.
Another one is the eye test, watching to see if they dart around or focus.
Bunch of crap.
and the fact that you told him...
but anyways what strain was it?


well no he was mad, but the thing is, its not illegal to be high. but it is Illegal to have it in your possession, and also to lie to a cop. abstruction of justice or some shit like that. so as long as i dont have weed on me, i'll just tell the cop yes i am high and yes i do smoke marijuana. rather than to catch me into a lie and throw me in jail for no reason. they only get mad because theres nothing they can do. u know?
5th amendment rights. You don't have to say a word to a cop in fact there is never a reason to unless a lawyer is present. They are never your friends, anything you say can and most likely will incriminate you further down the road.

Fuck tha police!
Screamin' one-eight-seven with a dick in yo mouth!

Hahahaha damn I'm high. See what happens? Don't smoke weed... may make you act like SNOOP-A-LOOP!


Well-Known Member
5th amendment rights. You don't have to say a word to a cop in fact there is never a reason to unless a lawyer is present. They are never your friends, anything you say can and most likely will incriminate you further down the road.

Fuck tha police!
Screamin' one-eight-seven with a dick in yo mouth!

Hahahaha damn I'm high. See what happens? Don't smoke weed... may make you act like SNOOP-A-LOOP!

yea you right. i use that when i know im about to get in trouble. but if not, i might as well fuck with the police. since they wanna waste my time, i'll just waste theirs......................


Well-Known Member
yea you right. i use that when i know im about to get in trouble. but if not, i might as well fuck with the police. since they wanna waste my time, i'll just waste theirs......................
I knew this guy who got stopped by a pig and they were giving him the fifth degree. They wanted to search his trunk and were trying to get him to give permission. He refused and made them go to the judge and get a warrant for the trunk. He sat there the whole time just looking at them the whole time. He probably wasted about 1-2 hours of their time just to do it. His trunk was spotless and them walked away pissed as fuck. Answer their questions with questions. Don't try to pretend you're happy to see him cuz no average person is. "Do you know how fast you were going", "how fast was I going officer?" or "Do you know why I pulled you over?", "Why did you pull me over officer?" be totally respectful and courteous but don't act like a total pushover either. Also everybody listen to this next part carefully and make mental note. A lot of times a cop will ask a bunch of questions and shit trying to test you. They usually wait till after they give you a ticket to ask if you have illegal shit. Because then it simply sets up, "Well you wouldn't mind if I had a look would you?" I believe there is some law out there that says its something like entrapment for a cop to keep you pulled over until you allow consent if there is no probable cause. Now when he hands you a ticket and asks about illegal shit simply say, I have my ticket now am I free to go?" You are, but most people don't know that. The cops do however because their life's mission seems to be to fuck with people like us. When you willingly consent, it is completely admissable in court, because it shows you were free to go and you, with free will gave permission to search. There is no way to get that thrown out of evidence. If he used coersive pressure to search, lawyers can tear that apart. Cops are just sly about that to avoid that problem in court. Also the whole process keeps ammo for your lawyer becaue you didn't give them anything. A lawyer prays to get to his clients before the police start talking to him, because people find it hard to maintain slience. Keep a clean car, toss roaches and beaners, unless you save beaners. Don't tell a cop ANYTHING whatsoever, they can do crazy shit. Answer all questions with reasonable counter questions. This keeps him at bay and out of your personal space. The cop pulling you over is a dick, period.