the best weed i've ever had!!!


Well-Known Member
I knew this guy who got stopped by a pig and they were giving him the fifth degree. They wanted to search his trunk and were trying to get him to give permission. He refused and made them go to the judge and get a warrant for the trunk. He sat there the whole time just looking at them the whole time. He probably wasted about 1-2 hours of their time just to do it. His trunk was spotless and them walked away pissed as fuck. Answer their questions with questions. Don't try to pretend you're happy to see him cuz no average person is. "Do you know how fast you were going", "how fast was I going officer?" or "Do you know why I pulled you over?", "Why did you pull me over officer?" be totally respectful and courteous but don't act like a total pushover either. Also everybody listen to this next part carefully and make mental note. A lot of times a cop will ask a bunch of questions and shit trying to test you. They usually wait till after they give you a ticket to ask if you have illegal shit. Because then it simply sets up, "Well you wouldn't mind if I had a look would you?" I believe there is some law out there that says its something like entrapment for a cop to keep you pulled over until you allow consent if there is no probable cause. Now when he hands you a ticket and asks about illegal shit simply say, I have my ticket now am I free to go?" You are, but most people don't know that. The cops do however because their life's mission seems to be to fuck with people like us. When you willingly consent, it is completely admissable in court, because it shows you were free to go and you, with free will gave permission to search. There is no way to get that thrown out of evidence. If he used coersive pressure to search, lawyers can tear that apart. Cops are just sly about that to avoid that problem in court. Also the whole process keeps ammo for your lawyer becaue you didn't give them anything. A lawyer prays to get to his clients before the police start talking to him, because people find it hard to maintain slience. Keep a clean car, toss roaches and beaners, unless you save beaners. Don't tell a cop ANYTHING whatsoever, they can do crazy shit. Answer all questions with reasonable counter questions. This keeps him at bay and out of your personal space. The cop pulling you over is a dick, period.
:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap: AMEN!!!!!!!!! (rep)

well, if it had white hairs then it was premature, so it couldnt have been very good bud...
idk, it was real sticky, it had white and brown hairs on it so idk, maybe he cut it maybe a week early, but either way it was some really good smoke.