need some education here

hello just wondering about when i should start a light cycle i have been growing my 9 plants for about 1 month under 24 hr light and feeding them every two days they seem to be doing good, so i am wondering when or do i start a light cyclek



Active Member
Hi. I put mine on 18/6 as soon as I move them from their cloning/rooting medium to soil. If using other than CFL, eg, metal halide or HPS, be careful not to have them too close for the first week! Hope this helps! :)


Active Member
Its my understanding that plants have to be a certain age before they will start to flower regardless of the light cycle. It would be advantageous to you to keep them on 18/6 until there are 5 nodes I believe. I know some people have their seeds on 12/12 from the beginning but why use less light when the plant wont start flowering for another week or so anyway. I could be wrong but I am sure someone will correct me.


Well-Known Member
Its my understanding that plants have to be a certain age before they will start to flower regardless of the light cycle. It would be advantageous to you to keep them on 18/6 until there are 5 nodes I believe. I know some people have their seeds on 12/12 from the beginning but why use less light when the plant wont start flowering for another week or so anyway. I could be wrong but I am sure someone will correct me.

well u are right about one thing, someone will correct you. lol you can grow a plant with no veg cycle, it takes a plant a week or so roughly to actually start flowering no matter how old they are. Then you have autoflowering strains that no matter what light cycle you have them on they will flower, I have 2 I am staring now. Really it all depends on what kind of yeild you want to get, obviously in most cases the bigger the plant when you flower the more you will get. You also have to keep in mind that your girls are going to double possible triple in size when they flower, the growth spurth will blow your mind. lol