must have been the manure


Well-Known Member
they just popped up. we put steer manure in the garden last year and now i have a paving stone on top of that soil with a plant on top of the stone. when i water the plant the run off goes down the side of the stone. apparently the conditions are perfect.

what the fuck are these? :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:



Well-Known Member
u can't eat them surely?

well, not until they grow more anyway. i'm not a shroomy guy but i have been interested in them lately. from some of the pics i've seen they look somewhat the same. but i'm taking no chances until beaner shows up. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
so upon further investigation:

my meth head brother-in-law thought he was a gardener. he took a big bale of sawdust, some steer manure, some moss. he mixed it into the native soil. well he left it in big clumps. the saw dust has been buried for a year. i dig here and there and find handful sized patches of it. it is covered in a white hair, mold like growth. some of the white stuff is at the soil were the ones are popping out. it looks as if they are growing from it. so i've dug around carefully and found some of this white hairy stuff and have placed it, without touching it, along the edge of the paving stone. i will keep it moist now and see if it grows.


Too many brownies
I am 100% positive those are not psychoactive. They miiiiiight be edible but I REEALLY REAALLY doubt it, even if they were edible you would probably get sick. :peace:


Well-Known Member
I used to get those in my front yard all the time, I wish magic mushrooms were that easy to come by that would be awesome


Well-Known Member
i have been looking at a pack the sell n high times.
its 120$ you just squish it to release some spores inside.
its all closed up and sterile. then put it in a dark closet for a month.
anyone tryed these before.
i really love good clean hallucinatoins.(


Well-Known Member
oh yeah, the white hair stuff you saw i the bulk of the mushroom mycelium, there are recorded examples of mycelia that covers miles of surface area. The mushrooms above the ground are just the fruits... kinda like apples...

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
i have been looking at a pack the sell n high times.
its 120$ you just squish it to release some spores inside.
its all closed up and sterile. then put it in a dark closet for a month.
anyone tryed these before.
i really love good clean hallucinatoins.(
I saw that ad too! anyone know if its worth it, cuz in the pic, the lil bag of shrooms growing only looked like an 8th, and thats how much you need to trip, so I wanna know if its worth $120


Active Member
I know this is an old thread, but those could easily have been cubensis mushrooms. You should've taken a spore print I give it about 70/30 odds of those being a type of cubensis based on appearance and your location.


Active Member
I saw that ad too! anyone know if its worth it, cuz in the pic, the lil bag of shrooms growing only looked like an 8th, and thats how much you need to trip, so I wanna know if its worth $120
No it's not worth it. For $25-$30 you could grow pounds of mushrooms if you know what your doing. Read up on the forums.


Well-Known Member
i always wanted to join but i didnt know if it was worth it. and the whole growing shrooms thing is confusing and intimidates me to be honest. any help?!?!?


Active Member
i always wanted to join but i didnt know if it was worth it. and the whole growing shrooms thing is confusing and intimidates me to be honest. any help?!?!?
It's worth it. Go to shroomery and look up the pf tek. It's a simple way to grow mushrooms for beginners. If you follow it step by step your guaranteed mushrooms. Just read up and learn it's not that complicated at all.


inject wbs jars
mix wbs with substrate
dump into plastic tub
voila pounds of shrooms yes its that ez