Root Rot?


Active Member
im growing hydro first grow, and i thought i was doing ok the plants werent dying on me and they look to be decently healthy. I just noticed that one of my more thriving of plants started to look sad. And i look at the roots and they look kinda brownish and not healthy. What is causing this and what can i do to help this? :-| Please and thankyou
well man if your roots are roting add 35% hydrogen peroxide so they wont die out, plus the hydrogen peroxide makes the leafs and stem better and bigger.
Never mind. i wasnt flushing the nutes out of the plants at the pace i was adding it to them.

That's unlikely to be the problem. Root rot is generally caused by overwatering, which drives all the oxygen out of the medium, allowing anaerobic pathogens to take hold and damage roots.

H2O2 is the solution. Apply 50% grade H2O2 @ 1ml/L or 35% H2O2 @ 1.7ml/L to your nute tank every 3-4 days and the problem should clear up.
i had a nasty bout with root rot from high rez temps, using h2o2 was a constant battle, for me good in the interim, since it turns into water in 3-4 days have to repeat the cycle with a fresh rez, anyhows my long range anti-pathogen strategy is hygrozyme, sorted out a whole batch a clones, and i would recommend it to anyone, or atleast another product such as aquashield, if it doesnt belong in your rez, hygrozyme gobbles it up, oh mr ruhland, your roots need to be bone white unless your using liquid karma...hey al, what are your thoughts on the hygrozyme? ruhland the stuff is like a condom for your roots, its all about prevention my friend
Hygrozyme is made from enzymatic proteins. It is supposed to attack and break down dead organic matter, same as H2O2. However, Hygrozyme isn't always effective and it is incompatible with H2O2. H2O2 will break down the proteins in Hygrozyme just as it breaks down any other dead organic matter it encounters.

Yes, it does require that you reapply it religiously every 3-4 days, but 50% grade H2O2 @ 1ml/L is a certain solution to root rot probs. Hygrozyme, not so much.
Hygrozyme is made from enzymatic proteins. It is supposed to attack and break down dead organic matter, same as H2O2. However, Hygrozyme isn't always effective and it is incompatible with H2O2. H2O2 will break down the proteins in Hygrozyme just as it breaks down any other dead organic matter it encounters.

Yes, it does require that you reapply it religiously every 3-4 days, but 50% grade H2O2 @ 1ml/L is a certain solution to root rot probs. Hygrozyme, not so much.
Thanks Al and berg i aprreciate the info. Al im going to defintly do what u said about the h202 and everything i will let you know how it goes. Thanks bud+rep for both:peace: