Clone flowering or vegging?


Active Member
Well hiya there. I cloned my Morning Glory plant and want to make a momma out of it. But since it's been growing, it's making some female pistils and trichomes on the leaves. It's on 18/6 light and under cfl's. When I took the clone, I followed the instruction somewhere here that if you take a clone when first preflower pistils are showing - you are definitely getting female genetics, if you don't screw up with other things.

So.. Here are the pictures and tell me if it's going to flower now or is it trying real hard to get back to vegetation state?

This is the clone.

And this is the plant I took it from while it showed preflowers.

Help appreciated,


Well-Known Member
hmm it should go back to vegging if you took it early in the flowering stage but if you took it late you will start to see pistils on your clone


Well-Known Member
its takes clones from flowering plants 2 to 3 times longer to go back into veg growth.. the clones has to switch from flowering hormones, to rooting hormones, then back into veg hormones.. its a lotta changes... so you have to be patient... i took some clones from flowering plants that took about 4 weeks to explode with growth... they are a couple of my heaviest yielders right now.. check my grow journal if you want.. links in sig below... but biggest thing is you have to be patient... it definalty takes longer to get them going into full veg...

ill bet that the trichs and pistils are just from its having some small amount of flowering hormones still in it... should stop in a week or so...

hope this helped... feel free to PM or post any other ?s you have in my journal...



Active Member
its takes clones from flowering plants 2 to 3 times longer to go back into veg growth.. the clones has to switch from flowering hormones, to rooting hormones, then back into veg hormones.. its a lotta changes... so you have to be patient... i took some clones from flowering plants that took about 4 weeks to explode with growth... they are a couple of my heaviest yielders right now.. check my grow journal if you want.. links in sig below... but biggest thing is you have to be patient... it definalty takes longer to get them going into full veg...

ill bet that the trichs and pistils are just from its having some small amount of flowering hormones still in it... should stop in a week or so...

hope this helped... feel free to PM or post any other ?s you have in my journal...

Thanks a lot, man. I was beginning to wonder if there's no chance. Looks like the top leaves are starting to lose the trichomes, so it's starting to lose the hormones.

Ok'ill check you journal out. Good luck))