fems stressd to hermi to get fem seeds !!!!!!! bollox, pure bollox
if it was as easy as that every one would do it,,,
and theres nothing wrong with feminized seeds for begginers,,
all this shit about fem seeds tend to hermie easily is complete waffle,,
i experimented, i stressed a fem seed to death to try get it to hermie and it diddnt,, i nute burnd it.(on purpose). loads of chopping and trimming of both fans and limbs,, shit feeding scheduals ,plain tapwater,, never ever checked ph or adjusted it, mixed up lighting times,, too high and to low temps,, too high and to low humidity,,
then put it in 12/12 and did everything the rite way and what do you know it flowerd and flowerd perfectly with nice dense sticky nuggs with no ballsacks/seeds or bannas in sight.
so if ur a begginer then go for it, thers just as much chance of a fem seed hermieing as a regular seed hermieing.....
if i was a first time grower again i would probs go for some feminized autos for my first ever grow