Active Member
Hey guys and gals! Well, I got bored at the weekend and thought it would be interesting to grow a cannabis plant, so I went online and bought some seeds. Since then I did a bit of reading and the seeds turned up today (2 x Amnesia Lemon, 1 x White Moscow). I only got the Amnesia because I smoked some in Amsterdam and it was awesome and no real reason for the White Moscow other than it was apparently fairly small when fully grown. So I got home and my seeds have arrived so I have decided to germinate one of the seeds by placing it on damp kitchen paper and covering it up with a saucer and cup and placed it in a cupboard. Once the seed has sprouted I'm planting it in a 6" pot and using a CFL bulb as a means of lighting (6,400K and 20w (150w equivalent of an indacascent bulb)) suspended directly above the pot, keeping the light as close as possible. I am guessing I'll need to repot only once. This is only a bit of fun for me and if the plant dies, it dies, no big deal, I just would like to grow it successfully and being able to smoke what it produces will be pretty damn cool considering it's starting life as some little round seed! I remember growing a venus flytrap when I was younger with not much success haha Any input would be great from what I've mentioned. I've planted just 1 Amnesia Lemon seed and I will update with pictures as and when. Oh and with regards to soil, I'm using a compost which contains sphagnum moss peat and dolomitic lime. It also contains a nutrient mix. Cheers for reading.