pics included, need help with flowering plant


Well-Known Member
hey guys, ok heres a pic of my plants leaf, the plant is 6 weeks into flowering and im wondering why im getting these brown spots on the leaves, its not on all the leaves only a couple,
i thought that near the end of flowering the leaves would start turning yellow , i need some help guys thanks



Well-Known Member
hey guys, ok heres a pic of my plants leaf, the plant is 6 weeks into flowering and im wondering why im getting these brown spots on the leaves, its not on all the leaves only a couple,
i thought that near the end of flowering the leaves would start turning yellow , i need some help guys thanks
Could be a potassium deficiency.

What nutrients are you giving them during this flowering period.

Now at the same time it really could be nothing. It is normal for some leaves to to start show some deficiencies and then eventually fall off.

As long as a majority of the leaves are doing ok, I wouldn't worry.

Here is some info on nutrients that should help you understand them.

During veg they use more nitrogen

During flowering they use more Phosphorus

There are three main nutrients found in fertilizer, each with its own special benefit. Consequently, there are three main numbers you'll find on a fertilizer bag -- in order: nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium; they're listed in alphabetical order.

Nitrogen is the first number on the fertilizer bag and it just may be the most important. Nitrogen is one of the most common elements and it's critical to all forms of life, especially plants. Nitrogen is what makes plants have healthy green foliage. Too little nitrogen and plants look anemic and lack full leaves. Too much nitrogen in the garden and your plants will be all leaves and stems and no fruit.

The second number on a fertilizer bag stands for phosphorus. Phosphorus is critical in the development of flowers, it's very important in the garden.

The third number on the fertilizer bag represents potassium. Plants that are low in potassium may look weak or thin. Potassium helps the main systems of the plant function together, helps with photosynthesis and controls the exchange of carbon dioxide.

Hope this helps


Well-Known Member
i gave em miracle gro for flowering but i stopped givin it nutes like a week ago, now i have flora nova nutes comin in the mail and the npk is 4-8-7 and i was gonna use that for my 2 week old blue cheese strain through the whole veg and flowering period because a guy on the live chat told me it works really good, but i have a question the npk on the flora nova doesnt have that much nitrogen and i have peters professional that has and npk of 24-8-16 so do you think i should use the flora nova and the peters professional, thanks for the advice dude that was good advice thanks


Well-Known Member
i gave em miracle gro for flowering but i stopped givin it nutes like a week ago, now i have flora nova nutes comin in the mail and the npk is 4-8-7 and i was gonna use that for my 2 week old blue cheese strain through the whole veg and flowering period because a guy on the live chat told me it works really good, but i have a question the npk on the flora nova doesnt have that much nitrogen and i have peters professional that has and npk of 24-8-16 so do you think i should use the flora nova and the peters professional, thanks for the advice dude that was good advice thanks
I presently am flowering, and have given then Miracle grow bloom fertilizer (Note: I always use half strength, never full strength).

I would suggest using some molasses as it really benefits the plants during the flowering. 1-2 teaspoons per gallon of water once a week.

Your 2 week old blue cheese is too young right now for any fertilzer. Give her some time to grow.

Remember the plant will tell you when it needs food.

I never gave my plants any fertilizer until after a month of growing.


Well-Known Member
Could u answer the other question about my nutrients , the flora nova and peters
The peters nutrients are great for when the plant is vegging. During that period the plants uses mainly nitrogen. So the high number makes it great for vegging.

Just remember that you want to wait at least 4 weeks before using this, and even then start off with half strength.

I normally will use fertilize then on the next use straight water. Seems to work for me.

Just make sure your soil is dry, so your not overwatering.

Flora Nova is mainly used for Hydroponic systems. Yes you can use it for soil grows, but in my opinion I wouldn't.

There is a schedule you can use for Flora Nova found here

Hope this helps


Well-Known Member
hey keico thanks for all the help man , my blue cheese is 2 weeks now and i havent given it any nutes but the larger fan leaves seem to be getting kind of dry and i dont know what the problem is what do you think , or if other ppl see this what do you guys think


Well-Known Member
hey keico thanks for all the help man , my blue cheese is 2 weeks now and i havent given it any nutes but the larger fan leaves seem to be getting kind of dry and i dont know what the problem is what do you think , or if other ppl see this what do you guys think
Sorry took so long

Post another pic and I will see what I think


Active Member
I think it's nute burn. they first develope these little rust spots, and then eventually spreads and kiss the leaf and the plant get real scrawny since no leaves for food. Not sure what the cure is though.


Active Member
hey guys, ok heres a pic of my plants leaf, the plant is 6 weeks into flowering and im wondering why im getting these brown spots on the leaves, its not on all the leaves only a couple,
i thought that near the end of flowering the leaves would start turning yellow , i need some help guys thanks
heres a sample pic in my attached.. if your leaves look like that its Mg deficiency n is your plants next to a generator of some sort? if so move it away from your plants



Well-Known Member
It's not nute burn because I stopped givin it nutes a couple weeks ago cuz it's almost seven weeks into flowerin and my lady ain't here so I can't take another pic sorry. Thanks for all advice


Well-Known Member
hey Ed, like i said in chat, quick fix is a Epsom salts(Magnesium Sulfate) foliar feed, or use one of the many "greening" products out there.
something like cal mag, cal max, green up, stay green etc. but be mindful of the N content in some of these when using during flowering, as was said earlier you dont want a lot of N in flowering and most greening supplements have some N in the mix.

i like to add a pinch of Epsom salts everytime i mix up nutes just to be sure there is sufficient Mg but not enough to overdo it. have a read on the bottle and see how much Mg your nutes have(or any other elements you want to supplement) before using any additive in this way though. and remember that too much of anything can be detrimental, or even lethal in many cases, so go easy at first.


Well-Known Member
heres a sample pic in my attached.. if your leaves look like that its Mg deficiency n is your plants next to a generator of some sort? if so move it away from your plants

Since you are in the seventh week of flowering rather than give it a dose of epson salt, use Molasses instead.

Believe me you will be glad you did.

Molasses has all the nutrients the plants need especially in the flowering stage.

I say use 2 teaspoons per gallon once a week.

It also has the Mg your plants need in case it is a deficiency

