obamas traped now


Well-Known Member
President Hussein Obama was briefly kidnapped today but quickly freed by Seceret Service Agents. An unidentified agent stated, "a trap had been set for the President but we were quickly able to free him."

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Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
I don't care for Obama's politics but I'm not a racist so the watermelon humor doesn't do it for me...sorry.


New Member
oh shut the fuck up u politically correct hypocrits

this shit was FUNNY lol...don't feel guilty cuz u laughed and u know it's funny


New Member
Typical right wing rascist crap. Really makes one think what retarded minds come up with this crap, and even more retarded are the ones that think it's funny, fucking right wing retards, sometimes euthanasia seems to have merit.


Active Member
LMFAO...I just looked at it again and it's still funny. He could be the best president in the history of the US and this would still be funny. Ima forward it to my dad who in no way a right wing racist and I bet he'll still find it funny. Stereotypes and racism are not the same...not even a little. This...this is funny.


New Member
honestly..shit's funny. get off ur high-horse. if it were any other racial-joke...perhaps targeted toward whites, it'd still be funny. don't blame me cuz im white and there just aren't that many racist white-hating jokes.

get off ur high-horse i say, and LAUGH

medman- so typical of u to label SENSE OF HUMOR as "right-wing". have u any idea how ridiculous u sound


New Member
honestly..shit's funny. get off ur high-horse. if it were any other racial-joke...perhaps targeted toward whites, it'd still be funny. don't blame me cuz im white and there just aren't that many racist white-hating jokes.

get off ur high-horse i say, and LAUGH

medman- so typical of u to label SENSE OF HUMOR as "right-wing". have u any idea how ridiculous u sound
Now that's the way to twist and shout, ~LOL~, you slay me.


Well-Known Member

A new low reached

Humor required to be PC by the left.

Intelligence and Logic soon to be banned as being instruments of the bourgeoisie


Well-Known Member
No. The low was reached the second this thread was started.
Black people and watermelon jokes? C'mon ...what decade is this? :lol:


Well-Known Member
No. The low was reached the second this thread was started.
Black people and watermelon jokes? C'mon ...what decade is this? :lol:
And what if it was a black person that posted it, would that make them racist all of a sudden?

Though perhaps the person that posted it could have used a steak, or hamburger or something else, but it would not have carried the same sense of mockery of Obama. The intent behind the post was to be a callous joke, and that is the effect that it created as can be witnessed by the response of the left to it.

I personally thought it was pretty funny, even though it does use an out of date stereotype. But the ultimate symbology that can be gotten from it is still there.

Obama is so stupid that he believes something (in this case a watermelon) can be gotten for nothing and thus some one was able to take advantage of this belief to trap him.