Did I Just Fuck Up?


Well-Known Member
So I live in upstate NY...I just finished up my first grow, and had 4 females. Harvested 1 a few weeks ago (she was an early bloomer) and 2 yesterday.

One got OMFG huge. I kept tying that shit down and she just kept burning herself.

She was really late blooming, and has been in flowering for...oh, maybe 2 weeks. She just started showing sex, theres only 2 or 3 hairs at the budsites.

I moved her outside today because she was just too big. I know the NY season is like now - October...will I just end up harvesting early, or will it just start to re-veg?


Well-Known Member
I'd say you are pushing it to keep it budding imo. It may revert to veg but that would be epic, or it might keep budding with unknown results. can you reverse this decision just in case?


Well-Known Member
I'd say you are pushing it to keep it budding imo. It may revert to veg but that would be epic, or it might keep budding with unknown results. can you reverse this decision just in case?
I COULD, but there is really no way for me to keep it in my current cabinet :[


Well-Known Member
you can always go old skool and use covers (boxes, whatever) to force budding... good question though bro, I'd like to know a better educated opinion as well.


Well-Known Member
No telling until it happens. That's what people advise to force flowering outdoors is two weeks flowering indoors first, but it really seems to be a coin-toss. Like the guy above me said, if you're wanting it to continue flowering you could cover it @ 12/12 for another week or so to hedge your bets.


Well-Known Member
Let her grow if you have the ability to not get caught. It will revert back to veg in the current season as the days are too long. If you let it veg all the way through and flower naturally you'll end up with a huge fucking plant. A lot of growers will veg from the end of the outdoor season indoors, and take their girls out when the spring hits, basically 8-10 months of veg.

Go nuts!



Well-Known Member
Let her grow if you have the ability to not get caught. It will revert back to veg in the current season as the days are too long.
Haha, sweet! I hope its not too much of a shock for her.

And yeah, I'm not worried about getting caught. Its a huge forest that nobody goes into. No problemo.