Top Three Reasons People Hate Rollitup.

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Well-Known Member
Never delete threads.....
Never lock threads.......
Ive seen some really old threads that are still very useful, and Ive seen mods lock threads that shouldnt be locked.
The solution is more storage, less policing.


Well-Known Member
And non profit companies can certainly make money in order to sustain their business.
I doubt very seriously that rollitup is "raking in cash".


Well-Known Member
Great site but def slow as fuck. Anyone can register a .org and this site makes on average $215 per day on just click ads according to the site monitor with roughly 80000 unique visits.1 will1 post1 monitor1 link 1once1 my1 keyboard1 stops1 actinfg1 up1 -1 spilled 1bonfg1 water1 on1 it.1 :(


Well-Known Member
RIU was down for about 24 hours for hopefully a good reason. The only trouble you have on here is the trouble you cause. If you dont like where you're at then move on. No one is handcuffing anyone here. This place is a great place with great people, and I'm willing to bet a good majority of us also belong to other forums.

This is what we make it people. Internet has no personality, but we perceive it to have one by making interpretations of what others say.

:peace: :joint: ~Boneman


New Member
Where Is All These Things Comin From? I Love RIU. I Was Just Amazed By What I Saw Yesterday. This Is Toke N Talk Right?
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