Top Three Reasons People Hate Rollitup.

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Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
1 its rarely down, but mostly slow
2 yes, but this isnt the most positive thread either
3 all mods, or just fdd?
I think fdd is the coolest and best mod. of them all....he is certainly one of the few that actually teach us something.....yeah, he can be a dick sometimes, but who aint....and at least with fdd, you'll get a response once in awhile......when he is on his good side :)

just another donkeys opinion....thats all

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Not to sound like a kiss ass, but I really like this forum.Yes, it needs bigger servers, but this forum is responsible for me being able to grow a decent plant,and I've met some cool people who I enjoy chatting with.I'm personally sending some money towards the's not much, but it's what I can give.This forum has saved me money in the long run on pot, because now I can grow decent plants and not have to get seedy crap from some wanna be thug.Here's my plant as proof. It's a humble 150 watt hps grow.But it's mine, and I'm doing it.:peace:
Attached Thumbnails


Well-Known Member
RIU was down for about 24 hours for hopefully a good reason. The only trouble you have on here is the trouble you cause. If you dont like where you're at then move on. No one is handcuffing anyone here. This place is a great place with great people, and I'm willing to bet a good majority of us also belong to other forums.

This is what we make it people. Internet has no personality, but we perceive it to have one by making interpretations of what others say.

:peace: :joint: ~Boneman
I agree, the only trouble you have is the trouble you cause. And you have caused your fair share of trouble but "oh so innocently". If you aren't happy move on and take your tissues with you, nobody likes a cry-ass

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
thing is though,....this donkey knows how to grow weed and I learned a few shit on some of fdds some son, you might turn into a donkey with skills too


Well-Known Member
where is all this coming from? check your first post . there's no way to dance your way out of this one. So- long


Well-Known Member
thing is though,....this donkey knows how to grow weed and I learned a few shit on some of fdds some son, you might turn into a donkey with skills too
YES! Well said, my friend. :clap:
This site exists for the purpose of teaching. How many of you who come on this thread to bash this site would have even successfully harvested your first grow if it weren't for RIU?
Ungrateful pieces of ...:twisted:
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