I need good information please!!!


Well-Known Member
I have 10 purple power plants growing outside. They are already 3 feet tall. My question is can I expect a pound per plant? I know it depends on growing conditions. But I live in Southern Cali and there is great weather. I also dug huge holes and am feeding them. What can I realistically expect to harvest? Thanks


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't expect anything, that way you can't be disappointed.

But I wouldn't be surprised if you did. Depending on how bushy they are.

Pics for fun?


if all goes well than ya you could easily expect them to yield that much. How much growing room does each have? are you using organic or ferts? just curious. Also pics would be great


Well-Known Member
i will post pics as soon as I can. The holes are big enough to fit a 10 gallon pot in. The soil is amended with mulch from the store and I am feeding mrcl gro tomato food weekly as well as fish emulsion. They are getting really big really quik but the cover is really tall so im not too worried. I hope they get enormous


oh they will. given enough light and room for roots, and they can get giant. at all depends on how long they veg for before they flower


Well-Known Member
if I were you, I'd steer clear of Miracle Grow products. especially in california where there's best of the best organic everything that you can get your hands on instead. go to your local nursery and talk to the employees to get some better insight, or just read the whole FAQ and organic forum if that's what you're striving for