Supposed Place to Buy 2C-I & 2C-E

LOL hey guys im new here, was doing some research on 2C-I and it sounds fun . Sadly i think i missed the train on this RC thing but still i'll give it a shot. I'd be grateful if someone PM'd me link to one of those not-busted-yet RC companies. Also where can i find the list of countries that have banne this?

Thanks a bunch and stay high :)
yeah your right sticky bzp was legal here but they have just reversed that decesion and it has become illegal again,and it is shit stuff to,it is basically cow wormer and some young dumb shits would take as well as other stuff drink to much or not enough and go into a coma.but i dont know where you get ur info about a bad meth problem i would say no different to any where else, no bunk x over here that must have been in europe
would also like to know a legit source, have a website bookmarked but havent heard much about it, please drop me a pm of a good site.
Mmmk;; So I'm pretty much a noob at using the net to get what I'm looking for. But I've recently moved away from every legit connection I know... Please someone help me figure out where to go. Yeah, that's right.. I need to be lead by the hand... Of course, like everyone else in this thread, I want to find 2C-E... but the only legit site I know of is that Orion one, and they're only selling 2C-I at the moment. So, I was really hoping that one of you could send me an email with a few sites that you guys go to... It would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks alot! x3
High guys, I know I'm still new but if anyone could please send me a email/pm or whatever SWIM would love to try some RC's. Only site SWIM has found is the orion one and thank you for saying not to try them because SWIM was probably going to give em a try. LMAO at the whole SWIM thing just had to use it once :)
So yeah I'm another one of those new people here who got here by google'ing legit sites to get 2C-I from. Basically to tell you my situation I already have gotten it from someone and still can, but its a huge drama story. This kid beats it down really bad and I don't trust what hes going to try and put in it to make them look fat. He refuses to tell us where he gets it or how much he exactly puts in each hit. The only reason we still are friendly to this kid is because he has this hookup and we are paying WAY more than its worth. If someone helps my out here I will GLADLY hook them up with a donation for helping and will post here (keeping private info to myself) about how it went. So glad I came here first because I was literally a click away from ordering from Orion Zone.