Supposed Place to Buy 2C-I & 2C-E

Are u people eff-ing kidding me? Are your lives so barren 'n depressing that you need pot 'n LSD 'n Ketamine to get through? My God, that is just pathetic! I'll pray for you, and all like you. Find something PRODUCTIVE to do, and you will feel even better about your life and yourself than you do by taking dope. Stop abusing your bodies!

I'm curious as to why someone with such a narrow mind and anti-drug attitude joined a forum that based around the cultivation of cannabis? If you don't agree with our lifestyles or usage habits, butt the hell out. That's just my 2 cents worth.
They are legit. I got some 2CI from the a few years ago. Not to cool to post that link though. There are very few sites left that will ship RC's to the US that haven't gotten busted and they are it.
Everything is already tracked, logged and recorded, you are naive to perceive any differently.
Are u people eff-ing kidding me? Are your lives so barren 'n depressing that you need pot 'n LSD 'n Ketamine to get through? My God, that is just pathetic! I'll pray for you, and all like you. Find something PRODUCTIVE to do, and you will feel even better about your life and yourself than you do by taking dope. Stop abusing your bodies!

Is your life so barren and depressing that you need to belittle other peoples personal preferences?

En plus... Your ignorance is just pathetic.

If you took the time to be productive and do a little research on your own instead of believing everything your told, you would know that LSD is non addictive, non toxic, and has no known adverse physical after effects other than fatigue and a lingering sensation of an expanded consciousness since its discovery in 1938. Throughout the years of intensive scientific study in everything from treatment of alcoholism,
psychotherapy in terminal stage cancer and patients of other deadly diseases, and neuroscience. In fact the brilliant research chemist who stumbled upon this great compound- Dr. Albert Hoffman- Died at the age of 102 and ingested LSD quite a bit and is still known as one of the "Top 100 geniuses in the world". Psychedelics are exceptionally valuable tools for understanding the human mind and how it works.

En fait... its quite hilarious that you consider these substances abusive on the body when 11-hydroxy-delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol has shown in multiple studies to help cure cancer and significantly reduce and stop malignant cell growth.

Moral of the story... it would behoove you to not to spout off with blind negative criticism about subjects in which you know feck-all about.

Ps- for your information my productivity index is at an elevated state currently. I work in security for the French government while perusing my Masters in Ethnobotany to compliment my B.S. in Sustainable management.

“The most compelling insight of that day was that this awesome recall had been brought about by a fraction of a gram of a white solid, but that in no way whatsoever could it be argued that these memories had been contained within the white solid. Everything I had recognized came from the depths of my memory and my psyche. I understood that our entire universe is contained in the mind and the spirit. We may choose not to find access to it, we may even deny its existence, but it is indeed there inside us, and there are chemicals that can catalyze its availability.”
―Alexander Shulgin
,PIHKAL: A Chemical Love Story
back to the original topic of discussion...

2C-I is great. It is the compound that introduced me to the research chemical community & thrust me into the deep psychoanalytical microcosm of metaphysics. I have not done any experiments with 2C-E. Be careful and precise with 2C-E as the dosage curve is quite steep and is more intense than 2C-I. I personally prefer 2C-C & 2C-D as well as aMT-not a phenylthylamine but a fantastic compound none the less. There is plenty of places to get it you just have to search. Be smart, be safe. ciao

“Use them with care, and use them with respect as to the transformations they can achieve, and you have an extraordinary research tool. Go banging about with a psychedelic drug for a Saturday night turn-on, and you can get into a really bad place, psychologically. Know what you're using, decide just why you're using it, and you can have a rich experience.”
― Alexander Shulgin, Pihkal: A Chemical Love Story
Are u people eff-ing kidding me? Are your lives so barren 'n depressing that you need pot 'n LSD 'n Ketamine to get through? My God, that is just pathetic! I'll pray for you, and all like you. Find something PRODUCTIVE to do, and you will feel even better about your life and yourself than you do by taking dope. Stop abusing your bodies!

I think you would benefit most of all from LSD!!! the suppression of that ego of yours might very well open doors of perception you may have never known otherwise! There is more to this life than belittling others and there respective personal choices...There is more to life than your singular interpretation of reality(or lack of one for that matter)! I had a rough life and up bringing, psilocybin and lsd served as indispensable therapeutic tools...20 years of psychotherapy in 6 hours. This has been cited in numerous studies, including our own government.( I can provide sources if needed) Perhaps, you need to understand the pharmacology of said substances before making such statements. Which clearly you don't understand!

Im a forth year electrical engineering student at a state university. I have spent the past five years of my life dedicated to science and learning. I know what im talking about here. In fact, my school has a program of ongoing researching into psilocybin and its medicinal uses! This has been quite fruitful, especially for terminally ill individuals faced with death! It simply can aid one in dealing with very complex problems. Ego Is a survival mechanism in humans, but can really be an impediment sometimes. Psychedelic tryptamines can help one move past these obstacles... Furthermore, These substances are not biologically damaging to the human body! In fact, Lsd is very similar to serotonin. Which is in your brain right now anyway. It simply changes the chemical action between neurons. And Marijuana works on the gabba receptors. Similar to what melatonin sleep vitamins do. Its actually healthy and helps the body maintain its circadian rhythm. Now, inhaling hot smoke is a different discussion altogether. But, Cannabinoinds themselves are harmless. And research has shown they may even hold cancer suppressing properties.

Im certainly not advocating irresponsible use and abuse of said substances. However, the mind expanding properties are undeniable! Proven over the years. You would be surprised! I suggest you ditch your biased positions on this and face facts! The drug war propaganda is just that, PROPAGANDA! Who knows you may grow as a person if you listen to reason! I know I did...

Just Chill and live life, bring positivity to every moment, everyday, Till' infinity!
I hope I helped you im some positive way!
So yeah I'm another one of those new people here who got here by google'ing legit sites to get 2C-I from. Basically to tell you my situation I already have gotten it from someone and still can, but its a huge drama story. This kid beats it down really bad and I don't trust what hes going to try and put in it to make them look fat. He refuses to tell us where he gets it or how much he exactly puts in each hit. The only reason we still are friendly to this kid is because he has this hookup and we are paying WAY more than its worth. If someone helps my out here I will GLADLY hook them up with a donation for helping and will post here (keeping private info to myself) about how it went. So glad I came here first because I was literally a click away from ordering from Orion Zone.
Could you please pm me where you got it from?