PH Problem Need Help Fast


Well-Known Member
Thanks, but unfortunately they dont ship overseas and I'm in Australia,
and the only one I've seen on ebay was a few days ago.
There's a shit load of other digital ones but most are in Hong Kong and I dont trust the quality.
Might just have to bite the bullet and get a new one, AU$85 which is about US$67.:peace:


Well-Known Member
Ohh I wondered where you were? Well its a one time purchase and will last you through many many grows. Its still well worth the investment.
Man I have always wanted to go to Australia! G-day mate! ;)


Well-Known Member
Add some dolomite or hydrated lime to your flush water and flush until the pH is ~6. Because this will likely wash out most of your soluble nutes, you should use your brita filtered water and make your normal feeding solution at pH 6.5 and afterwards pour through until some comes out of the bottom. Don't water again until the soil is good and dry, because your'e really going to make things soggy with this.

Don't use baking soda,.. it has a lot of sodium and it's better to use lime to minimize the salt,.. lime is calcium hydroxide/oxide and dolomite also has some magnesium hydroxide/oxides. Your plant needs those more than sodium.


Well-Known Member
Add some dolomite or hydrated lime to your flush water and flush until the pH is ~6. Because this will likely wash out most of your soluble nutes, you should use your brita filtered water and make your normal feeding solution at pH 6.5 and afterwards pour through until some comes out of the bottom. Don't water again until the soil is good and dry, because your'e really going to make things soggy with this.

Don't use baking soda,.. it has a lot of sodium and it's better to use lime to minimize the salt,.. lime is calcium hydroxide/oxide and dolomite also has some magnesium hydroxide/oxides. Your plant needs those more than sodium.
True true bout the soda. Its good for a one time adjustment but you can't use it regularly. For those interested in the chemistry of soil ph, and lime this is an excellent read >


Well-Known Member
Ohh I wondered where you were? Well its a one time purchase and will last you through many many grows. Its still well worth the investment.
Man I have always wanted to go to Australia! G-day mate! ;)
G'day, thanks to your suggestion I bought a Milwakee PH600 on US ebay for AU$46 with postage, that's like half price, so thanks for that.:hump:


Well-Known Member
Add some dolomite or hydrated lime to your flush water and flush until the pH is ~6. Because this will likely wash out most of your soluble nutes, you should use your brita filtered water and make your normal feeding solution at pH 6.5 and afterwards pour through until some comes out of the bottom. Don't water again until the soil is good and dry, because your'e really going to make things soggy with this.

Don't use baking soda,.. it has a lot of sodium and it's better to use lime to minimize the salt,.. lime is calcium hydroxide/oxide and dolomite also has some magnesium hydroxide/oxides. Your plant needs those more than sodium.
Thats exactly what I ended up doing,, I mixed some fine dolomite lime (about 3 tablespoons a gallon) and shook it for a while before flushing the pots.
I also sprinked some on top of each pot and have been watering with PH 7 water every 2 days.
They have definately perked up and looking good again.
Will just go back to normal watering now, but with PH adjusted water.
Thanks for the input. :peace:


Well-Known Member
You could probably find one at a local fish shop
I tried the local shops, but they only have the ones where you add some drops to water and compare it to the colour charts that come with it.
Being colour blind these things shit me off no end, can't wait for the Milwaukee one to arrive.:peace:

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
You don't need to use RO or filtered water for a flush----Fill a trash can with tap water---put an air stone in it----let it bubble for 24hours(chlorine evaps) then mix 1/4 strength nutes and then PH to 6.5(1/4 of what you are feeding now)----like you said--flush with three times the volume of water as container size---they should be fine...