Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

How much higher does Co2 allow your temps to go? I'm floating at 76-80 degrees on average. Is it possible to run Co2 without the aid of AC? Just exhaust every few hours or so?
Hey guy/gals I have one in flowering that seems to be a little herm. should I keep the clones I made of it before it flowerd or trash them also. I allready killed it but didnt know if it ment that the clones would be herms also.
thanks for the help

any takers
i have battled the god/goddess hermaprhoditeee many times ....he/she is not to be fucked with ....i just had a very serious hermy prob ...it was my fault tho ..cause twice before i have seen hermaphroditic offspring from my seeded weed ....also i have cloned a hermy and had the trait go right with it ......
I have 9 bubba kush plants 10 inches tall in a veg unit. They are not going into my flower room. OG kush will fill my next available flower unit.
I am thinking of taking all 9 of these bubba and ziptye them loosely together, bury them with there longass roots and stick them in a half wine barrel with foxfarm nutes, horseshit, and perlite. Water them with my reservoir changes and see what happends.

I have 9 bubba kush plants 10 inches tall in a veg unit. They are not going into my flower room. OG kush will fill my next available flower unit.
I am thinking of taking all 9 of these bubba and ziptye them loosely together, bury them with there longass roots and stick them in a half wine barrel with foxfarm nutes, horseshit, and perlite. Water them with my reservoir changes and see what happends.


Sounds good to me, funny little story about dumping the rez leftovers. I had a huge yellow patch in my back yard from the dogs pissing in the same spots. So I was like what the hell I dump it on that spot along with some hole the dogs dug. I seeded the dog holes and left the yellow grass alone. Next time I go to dump the rez and HOLY COW:shock: The yellow grass is now rich and growing like mad, the dog holes are now death traps. I fell twice just cutting the damn grass.

Give it a try whats the worse thats going to happen it works?!?
I have 9 bubba kush plants 10 inches tall in a veg unit. They are not going into my flower room. OG kush will fill my next available flower unit.
I am thinking of taking all 9 of these bubba and ziptye them loosely together, bury them with there longass roots and stick them in a half wine barrel with foxfarm nutes, horseshit, and perlite. Water them with my reservoir changes and see what happends.

I would not use the horse shit unless it was aged as it may burn the tender roots. I use aged chicken shit composted. Since your Bubba are in veg are they close to flowering? I would use some PK organics to go with those other materials like green sand, high P bat guano, etc. But hell yea I think its a great idea.
I think thats primer? you need the regular pvc glue..they have rows and rows of it at home depot.

For the best seal - use the primer - and the PVC cement. The primer is critical for a water-tight seal. The primer actually eats into the PVC, allowing the glue to weld the PVC parts together. I like to use clear primer, harder to find but so much cleaner looking than the purple, blue, or gray stuff you find at most hardware stores. Lather the primer on first - coating both the outer edge and end of the post and the cap. Then lather on the PVC cement over the same surfaces. This all happens in less than 30 seconds. After gluing the cap, use a hair dye bottle filled with PVC cement, or similar applicator to fill the gap between the post and the cap. Let dry for 30 minutes to an hour, and then fill the gap again. The capped posts need to dry for 24 - 72 hours; until the odor is gone. Don't try to use PVC cement on a live flower unit that is leaking.
I have 9 bubba kush plants 10 inches tall in a veg unit. They are not going into my flower room. OG kush will fill my next available flower unit.
I am thinking of taking all 9 of these bubba and ziptye them loosely together, bury them with there longass roots and stick them in a half wine barrel with foxfarm nutes, horseshit, and perlite. Water them with my reservoir changes and see what happends.


Just use a good soil... taking the time to adjust and PH your res changes before watering with it, will reward you big time... it is a bit of a hassle - but it makes a big diff - IMHO.

I drain my res into 5 gallon jugs to use when needed outdoors... (store in a cool, dark, place) It's nice to get 2 uses out of your nutes!
What kind of glue?

I usually use "red hot blue glue" you don't need primer... BUT it is ugly as a finished product... So ugly in fact that I painted my flower unit stand with chrome paint :lol:

For the flower unit end caps, I used a bunch of silicone... I think that was what Stink had written in the plans... It's holding well
yo stink & all u stinkers how goes it? quick question for u stink, i saw a couple pages back somewhere that you are tryin to experiment with growing trees.. u also mentioned using 5gal buckets.. can u elaborate on how u would set them up? i too have been looking into trees for a while, and so far came up with a 6" round pvc tube, connected to something called a Spee-d Drain or someshit.. the spee-d drain connects to the pipe and has a premade hole for a 4" net pot... i will try and find pics and post em not sure if ur following my idea..

ive got lilac bushes in my cloner and they have root nubs. Im planning on trying trees too. also doing an outdoor aero using small pumps in large buckets so each one is indivedual (sp). this way you can dial in the nuits per plant/strain

it took like 2 weeks to get root nubs on my lilacs and about 3 for my blackberry or rasberry cutting.
I have a question that might have been answered but here it is anyway. I recieved my clones in rockwool cubes and try to remove as much of the medium as possible without damaging the new root system but when the sprayers are on the rockwool retains the water obviously but is this going to give me root rot or overwatering? the tips are curling under after 3 days.

I have been looking into designing/manufacturing a perpetual aeroponics garden.

As a member of a non-profit collective, I am looking to be able to set up patient-grows for those in need.

I would like to know if you would be interested in discussing this further as I have many thoughts and Ideas.

Yes 1 oz per plant is possible for sure! Depending upon the strain, genetics, and other environmental conditions, you could yield more - though sharing a res with plants in different stages of flowering, may present issues... particularly where the flush is concerned.

Oh man, I completely over looked that. Thanks.
Coleman makes a small propane heater called a procat.


It is a catalytic heater that is designed for inside use. Has a platinum catalyst to produce no carbon MONOXIDE, but all carbon DIOXIDE (CO2).

Opinions needed on if this will work in a small grow room, up to 8x8x8 (512 cu ft) and if this would be cheaper than using a CO2 tank. Puts out 3,000 BTU that I think can be offset by A/C.

Coleman makes a small propane heater called a procat.


It is a catalytic heater that is designed for inside use. Has a platinum catalyst to produce no carbon MONOXIDE, but all carbon DIOXIDE (CO2).

Opinions needed on if this will work in a small grow room, up to 8x8x8 (512 cu ft) and if this would be cheaper than using a CO2 tank. Puts out 3,000 BTU that I think can be offset by A/C.


do not use camping gear in your tent, its unsafe to leave an open flame with these
(the link isn't working)
I agree in general about an open flame, but then is that not what greenhouse type gas/propane CO2 generators are?
(link still didn't work, or the server hangs)

only similarity is they both run an open flame, that where it end though!
you can theoretically get the Co2 from a lighter, just to illustrate the differences
a camping flame should work under harsh conditions, a Co2 generating flame
must be precisely controlled in order to produce efficient Co2 to you grow space
most Co2 gen also have some sort of cooling option to them due to the access heat they generate
and some sort of tip over shout off

FYI, its only the blue flame portion that generates the Co2, the rest generates heat
this is why a precise control is needed to run an application like this

your an out the box thinker, you should know better there are boundaries you don't cross to save few bucks,
this is where life will be at risk to save no more than $200 - $300, think about it carefully
