Newbie with random questions and pics!


Active Member
well it definitely wasn't due to too much water as I went 3 days without and now they are wilting more than ever.......please help I'm afraid I'm gonna lose the whole crop.....


Active Member
If sunny and hot cut down hrs. Put in shade water as needed in shade-also repot in a good potting soil in light colored pot that blk. Is cooking the roots.they cant stand full hot 95 degrees in sun all day. Nebula


Active Member
If sunny and hot cut down hrs. Put in shade water as needed in shade-also repot in a good potting soil in light colored pot that blk. Is cooking the roots.they cant stand full hot 95 degrees in sun all day. Nebula
thank you i have put them in the shade. Do you think these guys are going to shrivel up and die or are they able to recover from this?


Active Member
whew so yes it does appear that the soil temperature was the main culprit of the heavy wilting. They looked absolutely horrible but after a good watering at night and the next day being relatively cool they bounced right back up! Take note especially you Nor Cal/hot weather growers your plants will bake in the pots! For now they are being partially shaded when it's hot, soon when they are transferred to five gallon buckets they will be put into the ground to hopefully be done with this problem as the weather will only get hotter from here.