Do you mean preflower pistils on the mother, or are you revegging it to motherhood?
Seriously don't worry about the clones.. Pollen needs virtually desicated conditions to stay viable long term, clones get misted alot under humid conditions by standard procedure..
If you've got buds on the table perhaps 2-7 weeks into 12/12 then by all means panic your ass off, run out to the street and tap into a fire hydrant (JK), but if not I'd be surprised if a single seed results.. And thats kind of unfortunate really.. I've never once complained because there were a couple viable seeds in a bag.. Its the hollows and husks that piss me off because they can sneak into your bowl alot easier than a beefy plant producing seed..
Yeah the mother is a golden goat clone I received from another breeder.. she has been under 24 hours of light for about 9 months now. She has pretty much always had pre flowers on her since I got her= )
Im not worried about the clones, I actually need some beans= )
More curious about the effects of having a mother pollinated..
I am going to put the mother by the Male blueberry for a couple days ensuring cross pollination, always keeping the mom under 24/7 light..
Give it a week or 2. take some clones, and see what happens= )
I want to make sure that mother is dusted with pollen

, before I take clones.
Ill rise the mom plant off really well a few days before taking clones, to insure no further contamination from pollen.
The clones will either produce no seeds, a few seeds or alot of seeds. Im excited to see what happens..
LMAO at tapping the fire hydrant
