iPhone I bought was stolen..?


Active Member
force feed it to the kid that "sold" it to you and then give the kid to the guy and tell him, " here is your phone, might have to wait a few days to get it back" lol


Well-Known Member
iPhone wasn't really stolen, the owner lost it.. Technically since he was deprived of his iPhone it is now stolen.

Hello everyone, just looking for some opinions. I'll keep it short and sweet. I don't even know what I should do here.

I'm doing my daily sell run and while a buyer of mine was in my car he whopped out a iPhone and said "look what I found on the side of the road".He asked me if I wanted to buy it, says he got offered $20 for it.

So I gave him $60 and a few grams for the thing, I was planning on selling it on ebay/giving it as a present. There was a few people there and I said that if anyone asks I didn't buy it, you don't know me.

iight, so i'm chillin at my friends house a few hours later and I get a call, saying someone came to my house looking for his iPhone.. Turns out one of the fucking kids got offered $20 to return the $300 phone, and they ratted me out in hopes of getting $20 bucks.

So now I have a choice, give the iPhone back to the guy who bought it, the guy who offered $20 for a $300 phone.. The guy that lost it on the side of the road. Doing this I will lose my $60 and my weed as the kid I sold it too doesn't have the cash, or the dope (got tons of dope and money, it's principle).

OR keep the iPhone, I bought it off someone and paid them a respected price.

What would you do?
karma is a bitch. if i lost my phone i would want it back wouldnt you? its someones cell so buying it was your first mistake...your grown up come on..whats $60 really?


ROFL casper that avatar had me laughing for atleast an hour...omfg.


Active Member
whenver i see someone with an iphone or any fancy phone at a bar or some place i can escape out of easily i always ask if it is "unlocked." if they say ya then i talk about technology and stuff then later swipe it and sell it. currently im using a nokia n96 i swiped at a strip club

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
if you found the phone for free, you give it back for free, if you paid $60 and now it turns out to be his, you were not doing anything wrong as far as you were aware, so as stated, he can re-imburse you as a finders fee, or ship on.

if your friends were that crappy to you, maybe they just and told some random friend of thirs to knock on such and such an adress claiming they lost an iphone under such and such a number etc, wouldn't surprise me if they'd go as low as to rat you in the first place for their own personal gain. sell the phone on, $150 for each those little coajdilka>:(@@"E


this man is deliberately ignoring basic facts so that he can sleep better at night

"ok i got this stolen phone...well ok its not really stolen, the owner just 'Lost' it, and my friend sold it to me for cheap cause he knew it was hot"

but its still not a stolen phone?

selective reasoning is part of creating your own reality instead of living in the REAL world


Active Member
All I can say is lol.

Seriously, you think "I found this thing" is the truth? You get pulled over with half a pound and tell a cop you found it on the side of the road. Good fucking luck.