Paranoia--Just me?


So I've started growing about a month ago, and everything has been going fine. Even got plans figured out for when landlord wants to inspect apartments.

Everything's been great...up until now. All of a sudden, I've just gotten hit with "huge doses" of paranoia. I'm freakin out about almost anybody or anything.

All you who have been here before... Is this a normal noob thing that will fade, or is it a normal thing... that will never go away???


Well-Known Member
So I've started growing about a month ago, and everything has been going fine. Even got plans figured out for when landlord wants to inspect apartments.

Everything's been great...up until now. All of a sudden, I've just gotten hit with "huge doses" of paranoia. I'm freakin out about almost anybody or anything.

All you who have been here before... Is this a normal noob thing that will fade, or is it a normal thing... that will never go away???
just dont tell anyone and you will have no problem


Well-Known Member
If you grow in the U.S. without a card you should be paranoid. Don't say shit to anyone and pay your electricity. It isn't necessarily bad to be a little nervous. It keeps you on your toes.


Well-Known Member
the nerves will cool down and you both learn to control and see nothing is happening to you they will not go away go from 95 percent to maybe a 20 percenter but not go away I have been growing since this January I used to fear and hate going to maintain my garden I have a dog and a cat all of a sudden all sounds was what was that id freeze turn off fan and listen but things got better for me and will for you luck to you my brother.
if u r growing in a place that it is illegal then u r doing something wrong so of course ur gonna face paranoia! i tend not 2 worry about it anymore.. just keep it on the hush from every1! when growing be smart because cultivation is a huge charge! i think of it like this... when i was younger and first began taking "burn rides" with my friends i'd get real sketched out but since then i find myself driving around getting blazed & not worrying at all! as long as you make what u r doing not obvious & keep it from everyone u will be just fine!