is this looking ready? (macro)


Well-Known Member
nice budz for a cfl grow mann..hell ya looks good..i cant tell from ur close ups...u need to be looking thru a magnified scope to tell the gradual change fo the trich from clear to coudy then amber occasionally opaque at the end..looks like u should start flushing ur soil..take good water...distilled..or tap water thats sat out for a few days to dissipate chlorine..and then u dialed it into a ph of 6.5...u take that ''good clean'' water..and use 3x the amount of water vs ur pot size and flush it out..its sure u can come up with something..and then in the final week to two..only use this clean water..and possibly 1teaspoon -2 per gallon of water of Unsulferd Mollasas during the flusing bulk ur nugz out


Well-Known Member
fk man it looks like several ounces..1-3..i dunno..need to put like a hand in the pic so its comparible to something.. its either way 1 of the best cfl yields ive laid my eyes on so rep ++++++++++2 U


Well-Known Member
Yes I topped the plant maybe 2 weeks before flowering after its 4th node and no, I do not know what strain. Looks exotic though.


Well-Known Member've done something right cause she looks great. The first pic looks like you've still got some fresh white hairs popping out. I'm not saying you can go wrong by flushing now but waiting a little won't hurt.


Well-Known Member
So I guess around 2 more weeks.

What about foliar feeding, when am I going to stop with that?


Well-Known Member
yeah you typically dont wanna foilar feed after a few weeks in flowering. it could cause buds to mold.

flushing means no nutes yeah. you can add carbs during flushing like molasses(if youre using soil)

id flush for like week and during that week purchase a magnifier to look at the tricromes($10) and see if its ready after a week

edit- very nice lookin plant