Pull up a seat, there's room for everyone


Well-Known Member
10gs a girl eeeeee sorry man
i know how that hurts
thats a lot of plants to care for for only 240g.

i just had a bummer myself... what looked like 1.25 going in to dry came out 500 grams WHERE DID MY 70gs GO? damnit.... I have 20g to last me 21 days...dude that is like asking me to quit! haha

I hope the SCxDC comes thru for you man


Well-Known Member
Why do you think your yields were so low? I just staked all 34 of my NL in my stadium last night. the tops are just too heavy any longer to hold themselves up. Hoping for 1gpw with 2000w hung over it.


Well-Known Member
Why do you think your yields were so low? I just staked all 34 of my NL in my stadium last night. the tops are just too heavy any longer to hold themselves up. Hoping for 1gpw with 2000w hung over it.
poor genetics, the jacks surprise were weak. good smoke, terrible yield. i am hoping to make up the weight with the SCxDC. :joint: IMG_2907.jpg
pretty much been saying this for weeks now. :roll:


Well-Known Member
you'd have to run two of these grows back to back (to know exactly how long it takes to start the next crop in the same room)... to get the efficiency results of a perpetual grow with this setup... but there is a very nice formula for determining Grams Per Killowat Hour or 'GPkWh' (not g.p.w.) on page 44 of (guess who?) my little 'ol journal.

i'd be happy to get 2 lbs. total off of (3) 600's.


Well-Known Member
muy muy excellente. That's me, mister friggin nice-guy. :mrgreen: hahahahaha! :bigjoint: luv those buds. Many thnks man! Walk On!~:bigjoint: