Should i get dreads?


Well-Known Member
lol if your worried about what people are saying about you then i suggest you DO NOT get dreads lol.

Whenever i see a white girl with "cornrows" or a white guy with dreads i frown upon them. ... But than again to each their own tell me besides being different why do you want them? ...Why not get a mohawk? In my area it seems to be the going trend


Well-Known Member
wow, i wasn't expecting this much negative feedback lol, i thought most people are cool with dreads...


Well-Known Member
lol if your worried about what people are saying about you then i suggest you DO NOT get dreads lol.

Whenever i see a white girl with "cornrows" or a white guy with dreads i frown upon them. ... But than again to each their own tell me besides being different why do you want them? ...Why not get a mohawk? In my area it seems to be the going trend
im not worried what people will think, i was just wondering if anyone had advice... i dont necessarily want to be a 'trend'... i only personally know one person who had dreads.. plus, Mohawks arnt my thing. i like having long hair.


Well-Known Member
The thing is dude this is a public forum.
Meaning; Your gonna get all types of opinions due to the fact that everyone on here
was raised in a different environment, state, or country.
Plus what people consider normal or wierd is different for everyone.

Personally I could give a shit what you do with your hair.
But to think just because this forum is a potheads corner you'd get all positive responses is ignorant.


Well-Known Member
.... alright man, cause i was meaning to fill this thread with hate, everyone might aswell forget about this then... toke and talk.. not potheads corner.. GOT IT... i was just looking for ADVICE from people who may have/ may have had dreads... love how everything has to be filled with hate...


Well-Known Member
Fuck what others think. Do YOU want them? If you do, go for it. If not, well...

Personally I couldn't handle them, thats why I have my head shaved.


Well-Known Member
i don't give a FUCK what others think, i was just solely looking for ADVICE... but i'm done with this topic... any superiors, feel free to delete.


Active Member
Yo some real advice bout this since you got none...I have dreds right now and they're iight alotta upkeep if you wanna keep em "larry fitzgerald fresh" as my boys and I would like to say haha plus if your having a lazy day hey! you don't have to do your hair cuz its already done for you lol but gotta keep em clean nothing worse than your dreads smelling like straight ass juice and with a good workout or a football game like i had to deal with you don't wash em your in for a pungent smell that is unattractive...but remember depending on the type of hair you have it may take a while for your hair to "lock up" till then its gonna be a routine stop at the shop to keep em gettin' em rolled...peace bro


Well-Known Member
haha white people should never get dreads i know a couple of people who do but it looks ridiculous .

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hahahah i had dreads n im a whitey i even dreaded my pubes way back but shit just isnt for everyone. if you like havin long hair and the movement of it i wouldnt get them, it fucks your scalp up big time for the first few months gets really hot in summer, i know most folks round here dont give a fuck bout what people think but if you want to get a job in mainstream emplyment your pretty much fucked unless its a headshop or something where you never see customers.

plus side hippy chicks will want to bone you.
Well I have had my dreads for over 3 years now and love em. I'm not white, but I've seen a few people (male and female) at my job with them and they looked ok. Its a great style for the lazy once your fully lockd up. Mine hang halfway down my back when in a pony tail and I get compliments on them all the time from white and black people of all ages. My dreads tend to be real conversation starters. People always asking me sumthing about my hair.