Using Urine As a Fertilizer

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I wouldn't use my own pee. My diet is OK, but I'd wanna feed my plants better. I'd also do something dumb like use pee from during a binge of some sort and pass on garbage to the plants.

Usin' pee and gettin' good results is pretty fuckin' 1337 though, I won't lie about that.
I wouldn't use my own pee. My diet is OK, but I'd wanna feed my plants better. I'd also do something dumb like use pee from during a binge of some sort and pass on garbage to the plants.

Usin' pee and gettin' good results is pretty fuckin' 1337 though, I won't lie about that.

god your ignorance is a bliss, your pis contains more micronutrients then you can buy at box stores, its not 1337 the companies have marketed your dumbass to death, on what is better. You dont sound like you eat healthy fat ass, lay of the mickie d's a bit
So why is cow shit, chicken shit, horse shit, bat shit and every other kind of shit just fine for your plants and human urine is a big deal now. What a bunch of babies. Human urine is a proven organic fertilizer and it works great when used properly. If you are too queasy for it fine but don't put it down.
:wall:LOL...Pee weed:wall:

mmm... using piss from an earth species that eats and drinks EVERYTHING! we eat shit that is already bad for us reguardless. maybe a good idea for the hippy vegans. but my piss will probably melt a plant down like plastic spoon in a bbq grill. and it's all thanks to the american fast food industry.
human urine contains a form of nitrogen called urea, as well as other goodies as potassium and phosphorous, and a whole wack of minerals. but to be used safely it should be diluted to a 1-10 ratio or higher. not too sure on the ph effect but it will add salt, not too much of a concern when its diluted. i am growing a plant for me so im not hung up on using urine as a free and great source for nutes. cheers,
My plants and I used to have a good relationship, 'til I started singing some Chappelle to them

"Hatas wanna hate,
Lovas wanna love,
I don't even want
None of the above.
I want to piss on you.
Yes I do,
I'll piss on you
I'll pee on you.

LOL, couldn't help that. I don't see the big deal, we're talking about nutrients. I think too many of you are getting unpleasant visuals. Ever seen a cow shit?
I started using piss on my plants (diluting them to about 1:10) and they've been looking a lot healthier now
I don't get what you're all babying about.
It is time for more of the brothers and sisters to wake up to " A True Understanding Of Nature. "

When you come to this understanding through the application of " Good Knowledge Through Proper Education Of Nature and Mother Earth, "
you will begin to see the true importance of the " Trees " and how to grow them the most potent and healthy, by application of Urine and other Organics, that do not require a trip to a Hydro store or spending a bunch of money, just to use bottled fertilizers, in order to produce bigger yields, but always a sacrifice on quality and health.

I have smoked many Strains and I have used many Strains, that were all growed in different ways and absolutely nothing has ever compared to the smoke that is grown when brothers and sisters will take extra time and build their soil naturally and that includes well dilluted urine.

The healthier your diet, the better, the urine will be and less stincky.

If you are a coke and tater chip kinda guy or gal, you may not get quite as good a result and definately more smell.

Healthy person, " healthy pee. "

Healthy Pee. " healthy plants. "

No BloomBastic 300 and a half being used around here and the pictures of the girls in Veg, say it all.

Nothing from a bottle except for Molasses, goes on my girls.

Be Blessed My Friends.

Rev. TheNatural


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It is time for more of the brothers and sisters to wake up to " A True Understanding Of Nature. "

When you come to this understanding through the application of " Good Knowledge Through Proper Education Of Nature and Mother Earth, "
you will begin to see the true importance of the " Trees " and how to grow them the most potent and healthy, by application of Urine and other Organics, that do not require a trip to a Hydro store or spending a bunch of money, just to use bottled fertilizers, in order to produce bigger yields, but always a sacrifice on quality and health.

I have smoked many Strains and I have used many Strains, that were all growed in different ways and absolutely nothing has ever compared to the smoke that is grown when brothers and sisters will take extra time and build their soil naturally and that includes well dilluted urine.

The healthier your diet, the better, the urine will be and less stincky.

If you are a coke and tater chip kinda guy or gal, you may not get quite as good a result and definately more smell.

Healthy person, " healthy pee. "

Healthy Pee. " healthy plants. "

No BloomBastic 300 and a half being used around here and the pictures of the girls in Veg, say it all.

Nothing from a bottle except for Molasses, goes on my girls.

Be Blessed My Friends.

Rev. TheNatural

My knowledge of organic chemistry and plant biology laughs at the idea that chemically grown plants are worse for you than organic-grown. EVERYTHING IS A CHEMICAL. LEARN THIS. WATER IS DIHYDROGEN MONOXIDE. SALT IS SODIUM CHLORIDE. AMMONIA (totally organic chemical, BTW) is just hydrogen, and nitrogen. Ammonium nitrate is just ammonia and nitric acid mixed and the solid byproduct filtered from the liquid remains.

Common sense is shaking its head right now in shame.
It is time for more of the brothers and sisters to wake up to " A True Understanding Of Nature. "

When you come to this understanding through the application of " Good Knowledge Through Proper Education Of Nature and Mother Earth, "
you will begin to see the true importance of the " Trees " and how to grow them the most potent and healthy, by application of Urine and other Organics, that do not require a trip to a Hydro store or spending a bunch of money, just to use bottled fertilizers, in order to produce bigger yields, but always a sacrifice on quality and health.

I have smoked many Strains and I have used many Strains, that were all growed in different ways and absolutely nothing has ever compared to the smoke that is grown when brothers and sisters will take extra time and build their soil naturally and that includes well dilluted urine.

The healthier your diet, the better, the urine will be and less stincky.

If you are a coke and tater chip kinda guy or gal, you may not get quite as good a result and definately more smell.

Healthy person, " healthy pee. "

Healthy Pee. " healthy plants. "

No BloomBastic 300 and a half being used around here and the pictures of the girls in Veg, say it all.

Nothing from a bottle except for Molasses, goes on my girls.

Be Blessed My Friends.

Rev. TheNatural
This is the absolute BEST POST I've ever seen here at RIU!! (too bad it was followed by the worst post ever)You are the MAN TheNatural!!
+rep all day and twice on sunday!! I wish I could give you more. Anyone who argues against this post is IGNORANT. (that means you dont know the truth)
The future of agriculture on this planet will be ORGANIC or it will be NON-EXISTENT. That is not my opinion that is a fact! Go ahead and argue about the definition of "chemical" all you want to. Its totally beside the point. In the grand scheme of things some things work some things don't. The things that don't , don't last.
My knowledge of organic chemistry and plant biology laughs at the idea that chemically grown plants are worse for you than organic-grown. EVERYTHING IS A CHEMICAL. LEARN THIS. WATER IS DIHYDROGEN MONOXIDE. SALT IS SODIUM CHLORIDE. AMMONIA (totally organic chemical, BTW) is just hydrogen, and nitrogen. Ammonium nitrate is just ammonia and nitric acid mixed and the solid byproduct filtered from the liquid remains.

This is the year 2009. We dont have to wonder about this anymore. The truth has been discovered. You can deny it. But you can't change it.
My knowledge of organic chemistry and plant biology laughs at the idea that chemically grown plants are worse for you than organic-grown. EVERYTHING IS A CHEMICAL. LEARN THIS. WATER IS DIHYDROGEN MONOXIDE. SALT IS SODIUM CHLORIDE. AMMONIA (totally organic chemical, BTW) is just hydrogen, and nitrogen. Ammonium nitrate is just ammonia and nitric acid mixed and the solid byproduct filtered from the liquid remains.

This is the year 2009. We dont have to wonder about this anymore. The truth has been discovered. You can deny it. But you can't change it.

Change what? That a chemical made by nature is better than the same chemical made by man? How? It's THE EXACT SAME THING. Nature's carbon dioxide is the exact same as human-extracted and synthesized carbon dioxide. Same bonds, same energy, same neutrons, protons, electrons, same number of bonds. EVERYTHING is natural, even if it is in a refined form. Please. Go to college, take a few courses, and you'll understand THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE. This 'myth' about organic being better is purely that. Without the advances in fertilizers synthesized from chemicals, this planet wouldn't even have the current total life population it has right now. Purely organic would starve several billion people. Yea, you tell me organics is better. For a very short time, maybe, for a very, VERY limited population. In the long run, it is unsustainable and not practical.
i always have grate results using piss in a gallon of water and feed.

I use a quarter cup in a gallon of water. Not mine hers! Yes the ole' lady has christened my plants and pissed up my future. Seriously!
Well sounds like somebody has stumble over a copy of Mother Earth News. I was fertilizing onions with stale piss mixed with a little dirt back while Algore Jr. was still squirting mustard in his Pampers. Neighbors wouldnt eat em cause they could smell the piss when I fed em. Tasted good to me.
Change what? That a chemical made by nature is better than the same chemical made by man? How? It's THE EXACT SAME THING. Nature's carbon dioxide is the exact same as human-extracted and synthesized carbon dioxide. Same bonds, same energy, same neutrons, protons, electrons, same number of bonds. EVERYTHING is natural, even if it is in a refined form. Please. Go to college, take a few courses, and you'll understand THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE. This 'myth' about organic being better is purely that. Without the advances in fertilizers synthesized from chemicals, this planet wouldn't even have the current total life population it has right now. Purely organic would starve several billion people. Yea, you tell me organics is better. For a very short time, maybe, for a very, VERY limited population. In the long run, it is unsustainable and not practical.

I never argue and I never debate my brother.

However; " The education that my brothers and sisters need desperately right now, cannot be found in a college. "

The education that the human race needs right now, can only be found " far away from any of mans concrete colleges and places of lecture. "

My brothers and sisters do not need a lecture........they need to find the truth in themselves and in the environment around them, but that requires them to look at almost everything, that they have learned in their lives and know that they were lied too.

That is very hard for few will be chosen to help clean this place up in a Natural and Balanced way, when the time comes.......and it is coming soon as we all feel........even though some try to pretend.

Blessings to Urine and Patience and Everyone.

Rev. TheNatural
I agree that just pissing on plants that you are going to consume later is just plain gross.

Really though, if you boil it, you are just going to evaporate the water and concentrate what makes it piss (salts, toxins in your body, etc). Urine is sterile, so there is really no reason to boil it.

Still though, I don't want to smoke piss plants. :neutral:

Yeah yeah!!!!Damn
I never argue and I never debate my brother.

However; " The education that my brothers and sisters need desperately right now, cannot be found in a college. "

The education that the human race needs right now, can only be found " far away from any of mans concrete colleges and places of lecture. "

My brothers and sisters do not need a lecture........they need to find the truth in themselves and in the environment around them, but that requires them to look at almost everything, that they have learned in their lives and know that they were lied too.

That is very hard for few will be chosen to help clean this place up in a Natural and Balanced way, when the time comes.......and it is coming soon as we all feel........even though some try to pretend.

Blessings to Urine and Patience and Everyone.

Rev. TheNatural

Holy Shit..LOL..Tell'em Bro..that organic shit is just marketing.
I grew up on a farm. Row cropping. No way organic farming is sustainable for very many variables..not stable enough
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