Need help passing urine test for po!!!


Active Member
diluted yellow gatorade and lots of it. but if you drink to much your piss will smell like gatorade


Look! More abject twaddle.

The only way that these works is by drinking enough to dilute your urine, that gives dodgy results.

The only way to win is to use someone elses piss, or buy some powdered fake stuff.


Well-Known Member
What you do is buy these fake penis strap on things that are hooked up to a urine bag with someone else urine and you wear it when you go to do the test and it almost looks like a real dick but anyways you squeeze it or some shit and the urine pisses out like your actually pissing and ta-da passed drug test.


Well-Known Member
I'm sure he did. What an idiot, risking getting high for jail time, some people need to get their priorities straight...

And whoever said something about the fake dick thing, if u get caught with that its even a bigger violation of probation and u will def. do more time than failing.


Well-Known Member
I know i don't got one and don't even have a po and i don't have no piss test so im straight. He just wanted to know how to pass one and i gave him a answer.
pfft probably a false positive on the test OR you must just have been smoking an obscene amount of ganj for a long ass time before you quit. I was smokin probly 4-7 times a day before I had to quit and I passed the piss test in 28 days. That was with regular excercise though. good luck though and fuck the police!


New Member
tell your doctor, and see if she will give you a script for marinol.
if she will, then you can smoke 5 mins before your drug test. and you will be bomb.
thats how I got through Probation


New Member
tell your doctor, and see if she will give you a script for marinol.
if she will, then you can smoke 5 mins before your drug test. and you will be bomb.
thats how I got through Probation


Well-Known Member
Fo all the haters, no I didn't get locked up. Its good to have a good lawyer.
Man you must not no what a hater is i was just saying, i wasn't like fuck him i hope he gets fucking locked up no i was just answering the question. But nah i see what fucking happens when you try to help someone out. Fuck that shit.
Why not just run for it lol, im not even kidding. Try moving far away as your house as possible make a fake name, Gargoyle Mcdonald . Stay low for about a couple months lol.
This topic has been questioed here....
i offer this, Carb loading in the nutrition sense will keep our body from burning new fat cel molecules therefore preventing more or less additional toxins ie. Thc from accumulating in urine as the bodys metabolism is slowed down upon carb loading and what has been burned off into urine as metabolites remains as theres no way to remove these metabolites other than pissing or pooping and further additional metabolites are more or less prevented from toxifing the soon to be produced urine sample. Depending on your preparations weeks and months prior, the carb fat sugar and other overloading of nutrients the day before and leading up to a urine test will in fact benefit you by providing a less potent urine sample in comparison to if you continued healthy eating. Junk food and fatty foods and starches are best. This is a physiological nutrition fact in debate of this topic. Timing is everything, dilution can work, though you need "yellowish" pee to avoid invalid tests or fails because of dilution. B vitamins are good. Veggies and any food you can determine beig of aid in speeding metabolism are bad day prior and leading to test. Think "couch potato" slowing body metabolism leading up to test is only beneficial, I cant stress that enough. Do your research. Go pick a health, nutrition or personal trainers brain. Preferably a certified one or a self proclaimed guru of such. They will likely mimic what ive suggested here if you inquire with correct questions and desribe your senario.


I have my urine test tomorrow and am obese by bmi chart standards, yet im more stocky than obese being 5 foot 5 185lbs. Ive lost 10 to 12 lb in past 2 months. Fingers crossed all goes well tommorow.

also stress can act as a sedative to the body so stress can cause metabolism to slow also. But if you find stress increasing your heart rate rapidly, the body will actually experience a sped up metabolism.
Toniht I ate. Salmon peppers and onions then I realized whoa I need to slowmetabolism now, not speed up. So I ate oatmeal w cinnamon and sugar added. A spooful of peanut butter with cool whip on it, hot chocolate, some potato chips, about to eat some jelly beans, had a small piece of peanut brittle. Probably have some v8 juice, water copiously also. Maybe some mashed potatoes before bed. Home fries, burrito and eggs in morning, o coffee tea or anything caffeinated, more potatoes and a pizza pocket thing for lunch, some pretzels or chips. And off to kick this drug tests ass! you get the method to my madness, I hope.


Well-Known Member
Man this thread is over 5 years old....think your info came just a little too late. Dudes probably already been locked up, rehabilitated, and let free to become a responsible citizen in our great society. A for effort tho
Haha, had negated seeing the date of post. Just somehow came across it and am in the process right now of finalizing preparations for drug test. Thanks for the kudos though. Lol