Optimize Bushy Growth?


Hey , I was just wonder what method's people use and which ones people prefer that allows plants to grow more bushy rather then stretching.


Use metal halide lamps for the vegatative stage of growth in lieu of high pressure sodium. MH puts off a lot of light in the blue spectrum, which promotes what you seek. Many folks use a combination or the two types or one of the newer HPS bulbs desigbed to produce the blue spectrum. Typically HPS lamps put off high intensities of the red spectrum which promots the flowering cycle. This assumes you switch to HPS when you flower the plants.

Nutrients are an entirely separate arena and also have a profound affect.


Bushy as in more branches?
well yeh to get the most amount of branches... and also .. lets say a plant is already 2 feet tall but isnt really bushy ..can it get more bush or will it get bushy only in the area it grows.... if that makes sense ??!?!


I keep the light as close to the plants as possible whithout burning them... this keeps them from stretching to the light. Also nute ratios have a lot to do with it... for soil I use safer brand fish emulsion 4-1-2 for veg. a higher nitrogen with a low p and helps to shorten the distance between the nodes. Lastly do as little pruning as possible. Especially on lower growth. Trimming the bottom stimulates upward growth. I usually trim or fim the tops once or twice during veg... this causes them to grow bushier not taller... If your still having problems then switch the strain to one that is prone to be short n bushy like a straight indica or indica dominant.


Nutrients are an entirely separate arena and also have a profound affect.[/quote]

hmm i think nutes is the problem .. to be honest .. no nute burns problems ever .. use 3 part GH ... but that makes the most sense the soil ones were nice and bush


Everytime you fim the top(fimming is like topping but instead of cutting under the node you cut it in the middle of the node), it causes the plant to double the number of tops and help the lower growth to catch up and gets them bushed out.