Closet SCROG grow setup, 600W hps, no COOLTUBE

bam bam

Active Member
so the grow area is 3 feet by 3 feet, the height of the closet is 54 inches(4.5 feet). The grow closet is about 50 cubic feet.

Iam using a 600 watt hps for flowering and 400 mh for veg. Do I really need a cool tube for a space that small? If I put a really good fan with a really high CFM I shoudl be able to exhaust a lot of heat out of my 50 cubic feet closet right?

If my closet space was a lot bigger than 50 cubic feet, then I can see why a stong fan might not be able to exhaust all that heat and a cooltube would be needed, but in such a small closet scrog setup with a really strong fan I should be able to exhaust a lot of the heat?


Well-Known Member
Is the exhaust taken out of the room completely with duct work or is it just blown out side of the room? Thats a pretty small space for a 600w. I know my 400w kicks out some damn heat man. In my old closet set up during the summer with cool tube and 4" inline fan still had temps reaching 90. Also had intake fan down at the bottom pushing in fresh air. Exhaust was up top.


bam bam

Active Member
Is the exhaust taken out of the room completely with duct work or is it just blown out side of the room? Thats a pretty small space for a 600w. I know my 400w kicks out some damn heat man. In my old closet set up during the summer with cool tube and 4" inline fan still had temps reaching 90. Also had intake fan down at the bottom pushing in fresh air. Exhaust was up top.

The closet is sealed from the room. the exhaust takes the hot air from the closet and into the room.

If I really have to I can exhuast the hot air from the closet out of the room and into another room.


Well-Known Member
Well as long as the duct work is right by the light I'd say your fine I mean I don't have any real experience with a non cool tubed hps so don't trust me to much. But as long as the fan has a high enough cfm I think you should be fine. Just get as much fresh air in there and you should be good.


bam bam

Active Member
my exhaust will also be at the top close to where the light hangs. My exhuast is not a 4 inch exhaust, its a massive 12 inch exhaust fan that is mounted directly to my sealed closet door.


Active Member
There is no particular need to exhaust. I am running the exact same setup right now, 3x3, 600 watt, scrog. I don't exhaust at all, i also don't have an air cooled hood. However to make for it, i have fans blowing air all around. Quick advice, put fans right below your scrog, there is cool air on the bottom.

bam bam

Active Member
There is no particular need to exhaust. I am running the exact same setup right now, 3x3, 600 watt, scrog. I don't exhaust at all, i also don't have an air cooled hood. However to make for it, i have fans blowing air all around. Quick advice, put fans right below your scrog, there is cool air on the bottom.

Whats the height of your 3x3 area? with a 600 watt hps you dont have any problems with your temperature getting above 85 degrees?


Well-Known Member
My closet is about the same size as yours, I am using a 400w hps and before i bought a decent one room AC and put it on full blast+a fan blowing that cold air directly into my closet i was having temps about 90 at times and was forced to put my plants out in the backyard during peak times of the day.

My point is, if you are gonna run a hot bulb you need sufficient cooling. Without it, you are only slowing rate of growth which in turn, lessens your yeild throughout the year.

bam bam

Active Member
My closet is about the same size as yours, I am using a 400w hps and before i bought a decent one room AC and put it on full blast+a fan blowing that cold air directly into my closet i was having temps about 90 at times and was forced to put my plants out in the backyard during peak times of the day.

My point is, if you are gonna run a hot bulb you need sufficient cooling. Without it, you are only slowing rate of growth which in turn, lessens your yeild throughout the year.
Did you worry about bringing in fresh air, into your grow area? Well is is a pretty small area so bringing in fresh air probally wont be needed.


i still have my 600w hps lying around, my space is a lot smaller now whats the minimum area i can use a 600w in?


Active Member
i still have my 600w hps lying around, my space is a lot smaller now whats the minimum area i can use a 600w in?
I dont know exactly but say 8" reflector Air cooled properly, light 6" away from plants then its however big u grow them... so id say u could do a 2 foot by 2 foot square if cooled right... whats everyone else think... am i way off


Well-Known Member
small space is even more reason to make a cool tube. it sounds like you have put a little bit of money into this why not put down some more and make a cool tube


I did have a closet room sized space a few years ago but to do it now ive only got a space 2.5 ft wide and 5.5 ft long to work with. Would i be better off with a smaller wattage hps? would i only get one plant in that space?


hey I don't know if this will help anyine but I am coming up on my third harvest now and I have a big problem with high temps I see now I'm going to have to buy an exhaust for it. My grow room roughly 5w x 3d and I hang the lights about 1 1/2 feet from the tops and two fans but that just doest do the job that a good exhaust if your going to have that much heat being produced in a small area invest in some type of exhaust.