help me!


Active Member
this is my first time growing and i was thinking of making a cardboard grow box for one plant ! I know its prolly a fire hazard but im kinda strapped for cash right now! anyway i was thinking of a 2' x 2' x 4' box with two light fixtures with y-splitters containing 4 <--"total" 30 watt cfl daylight bulbs coming out the top of the box(ajustable), an intake pc fan on the bottom left wall and an outtake fan located on the top back wall, all walls are going to be plain white with a tub on the bottom for drainage! does anybody out there know any thing else i should need before going on with my lil' escapade? any advice or suggedtions would be greatly appricieted!! peace and love!!:peace:


New Member
sounds good to me man...sounds like u got the right idea...but ur right that does sound like a fire hazard if i were u i would just go buy a huge rubermaid tub for like 5 dollars so u dont have to worry bout setting ur place on i bet cardboard has dust and stuff on it naturally that prob isnt good for ur plants....i dn if thats true or not but i would figure a box isnt the best idea...splurge the 5 dollars to get something that is more safe and better to handle ur plant. what kinda soil and nutes are u planning on using and how do u plan to water?

and when u do put those intake fans in whatever u put them in....whether it b the box or a rubermaid container i would put the outake fan higher and the intake fan lower...because heat rises..lemme know if u have nemore questions post pics when u get it going so we can see how ur doing


Active Member
sounds good to me man...sounds like u got the right idea...but ur right that does sound like a fire hazard if i were u i would just go buy a huge rubermaid tub for like 5 dollars so u dont have to worry bout setting ur place on i bet cardboard has dust and stuff on it naturally that prob isnt good for ur plants....i dn if thats true or not but i would figure a box isnt the best idea...splurge the 5 dollars to get something that is more safe and better to handle ur plant. what kinda soil and nutes are u planning on using and how do u plan to water?

and when u do put those intake fans in whatever u put them in....whether it b the box or a rubermaid container i would put the outake fan higher and the intake fan lower...because heat rises..lemme know if u have nemore questions post pics when u get it going so we can see how ur doing

im really completely new to this but its going to go a lil like this: first of all the plants are going to go in 2 gallon pots to keep the size down (or should i go bigger?) with jus regular organic potting soil from home depot im going to try ordering the fox farm ive heard so much about but for now jus the low grade stuff and for the veg. state im going to go with sum root stim. and maybe this organic tea mix but i dont know if it really works seems like it though what do you think? and a quick question does the lights seem good for the whole time? is that enough lumens for the plants or should i go bigger? and thanks for the advice on the tubs its more of a safer route to go! and yeah im going to put pics up of my box soon and i do got sum plant growing outside that are doing good so i'll put those up soon but yeah any more advice would be great thanks for the reply! peace and bud!:peace:


New Member
iv never tried the tea mix so i couldnt tell u much bout that....but u could try it...why not? id say ud be good on the lights for awhile...but when ur plant gets over a foot or 2 u might need more...start out with those and then judge urself. I mean if u can move ur lights around and can tell that there are areas of ur plant that arent getting enough light u might need more....but hey gettin a work light cost me 6 dollars...gettin a y splitter cost me 1.50 and gettin a 2 pack of bulbs cost me 7 dollars all from home depot. so i mean if u need to add bulbs add bulbs u can tell if u need more light. but to start out atleast for the first month u should b good with those 4 bulbs. i mean i use 12(23w) daylight bulbs for 6 plants and so far its plenty...i may need to get more here in the next month or so once all my plants get bigger but for now its fine...check out my sig and see how i have my lights set up and whatnot. and dont just look at my sig goto the cfl forum and check out everyones setup...thats what i did i got alot of ideas from other people grow setups. the more u look at the more info ull end up having about it.

but basically ur good for now on the lights...u may want to get 1 more socket and another y splitter and mayb 2 more bulbs but at this point i dont think u have to have them. and then when u get about a 2-4 weeks in...jus use ur eyes...move ur lights around u can tell what areas of ur plant arent gettin enough light. its a daily battle to keep ur lights in the right place...jus make sure when u start....keep ur lights 2-4 inches away from ur plant but then when it gets about 6inches to a foot tall move them up to 5+ away so that ur plant can stretch....u basically wanna find that happy medium in between being to far away and to close to ur plants...cus if ur to close ur plant wont get taller it will just grow fatter...and then if u have them to far away ur plant will stretch to much and will end up having fluffier buds and end up with less yield. u just gotta play with ur lights daily and see how it effects ur growth. deff post pics i wanna see how it me if u need to otherwise ill check back daily and see how ur doing.


Well-Known Member
Even if it wasn't a fire hazard, I can almost assure you that you will end up ditching this design at some point for something a little better. Might as well do it now.


Active Member
iv never tried the tea mix so i couldnt tell u much bout that....but u could try it...why not? id say ud be good on the lights for awhile...but when ur plant gets over a foot or 2 u might need more...start out with those and then judge urself. I mean if u can move ur lights around and can tell that there are areas of ur plant that arent getting enough light u might need more....but hey gettin a work light cost me 6 dollars...gettin a y splitter cost me 1.50 and gettin a 2 pack of bulbs cost me 7 dollars all from home depot. so i mean if u need to add bulbs add bulbs u can tell if u need more light. but to start out atleast for the first month u should b good with those 4 bulbs. i mean i use 12(23w) daylight bulbs for 6 plants and so far its plenty...i may need to get more here in the next month or so once all my plants get bigger but for now its fine...check out my sig and see how i have my lights set up and whatnot. and dont just look at my sig goto the cfl forum and check out everyones setup...thats what i did i got alot of ideas from other people grow setups. the more u look at the more info ull end up having about it.

but basically ur good for now on the lights...u may want to get 1 more socket and another y splitter and mayb 2 more bulbs but at this point i dont think u have to have them. and then when u get about a 2-4 weeks in...jus use ur eyes...move ur lights around u can tell what areas of ur plant arent gettin enough light. its a daily battle to keep ur lights in the right place...jus make sure when u start....keep ur lights 2-4 inches away from ur plant but then when it gets about 6inches to a foot tall move them up to 5+ away so that ur plant can stretch....u basically wanna find that happy medium in between being to far away and to close to ur plants...cus if ur to close ur plant wont get taller it will just grow fatter...and then if u have them to far away ur plant will stretch to much and will end up having fluffier buds and end up with less yield. u just gotta play with ur lights daily and see how it effects ur growth. deff post pics i wanna see how it me if u need to otherwise ill check back daily and see how ur doing.
hey thanks for the reply! yeah im gna go with same bubls for now and take your advice next month with more lights! i jus got a hold of sum supplies and im going to go ahead and start constructing i'll take sum pics and put them up with in the next few days to let you know the status and maybe get sum more advice! peace and bud!