Crazyest leaf i have ever seen, what does this meen?


Well-Known Member
It's a genitic mutation. Pretty trippy though.
i think thats a pretty awesome mutation, more leaf to collect sunlight or it wants to somehow grow a new shoot out of the leaf which doesn't seem possible but it is a mutant. id try to clone this, make a mother and BAAAAAAAAM mutant clone babies. seems like it would be a favourable mutation, depending on what type of stress it gives the plant but i dont think so, compar it to the same strain without the mutation, you might be able to sell it to seed breeders who want that type of stuff.


Well-Known Member
i already switched to 12/12 or i would i just noticed this shit day hahah
there has to be a way to clone it, if not then when you harvest it dont cut it out just cut off the buds, might be able to do something with that, pretty sure cannabis doesn't die every year but since it buds every year you should be able to get it back to veg.


Well-Known Member
would that work even tho its a fan leaf on the acual plant's stem?

is it just one leaf? i thought if it was a mutation most if not all leaves would have it, if its just one leaf then i guess you can compare it to a birth defect, like being born with an extra pinky or something, im not into genetics or anything but if you had the money you could probably isolate the mutation and get a plant that is fully mutated, id really look into this, also dont sell it for money if you get more than a couple grand otherwise its gonna raise the price of seeds and people will hate you, just ask for free seeds for life from whatever seed bank wants it.
is it just one leaf? i thought if it was a mutation most if not all leaves would have it, if its just one leaf then i guess you can compare it to a birth defect, like being born with an extra pinky or something, im not into genetics or anything but if you had the money you could probably isolate the mutation and get a plant that is fully mutated, id really look into this, also dont sell it for money if you get more than a couple grand otherwise its gonna raise the price of seeds and people will hate you, just ask for free seeds for life from whatever seed bank wants it.
its 2 fan leaves and i havent checked the rest of the plant...wat does bump meen?
Be afraid, be very afraid... it's space alien weed!!!
its funny you say that becuz i had a dream about a super seed that would grow with no light source at all. and then the next day a complete stranger gave me a seed that wat hudge and this is the plant from it........werid rite :shock:


Well-Known Member
wat does bump meen?

when a thread is dead, getting no posts, someone can "bump" it up to the top by making a post so it gets more views.

also you say bump cause if you didnt people would call you out on it, "why you bumping an old thread" also meaning dont post in dead thread if you aren't bumping them.


Actually marijuana, indica/sativas are both annual plants MEANING : They grow, flower to produce fruit, are pollinated to creat seeds. DIE at the end of the annual life cycle Releasing the seeds to continue on the speicies the following year. Marijuana plants DIE and DIE they shall, Placing an almost dead plant in reveg after it has flowered is not recommended the plants gentics will be altered and extra stress will occure to the plants, there is really no point at all jus the them die and start anew! order some quality gentics from a reliable sorce, your bag seed has got nothing on the breeders.
Actually marijuana, indica/sativas are both annual plants MEANING : They grow, flower to produce fruit, are pollinated to creat seeds. DIE at the end of the annual life cycle Releasing the seeds to continue on the speicies the following year. Marijuana plants DIE and DIE they shall, Placing an almost dead plant in reveg after it has flowered is not recommended the plants gentics will be altered and extra stress will occure to the plants, there is really no point at all jus the them die and start anew! order some quality gentics from a reliable sorce, your bag seed has got nothing on the breeders.
ok, im gunna do it anyways, way to shoot someones dreams down if you havent tryd it dnt knock could be dank