Help with fan leaves?

Sure Shot

Well-Known Member
Trimming the leaf will slow transpiration.
This is done by some while cloning,
to hinder any upward growth untill roots have developed.

Why do you want to trim fan leaves?
(They are the energy producing factories of your plant.}


Well-Known Member
^agree there like solar panels buddy... without them you have no energy(almost no energy) but you should get the picture, i only trim fan leaves if you touch them and they fall off, typically they are yellow at that point and in flowering.
i have a strong sativa strain and the leaves are blocking light from the flower to the point were there not getting enogh light to fully develope..and not all the fan leaves just enoght for the flower to get light


Well-Known Member
Well taking that as gospel since so many folks claim it to be a fact. Thanks. Now I messed up last time and trimmed a few to get some light on the buds but plan not to do it this time based on such overwhelming testimony. Now they been showing a special documentary on weed growing on TV here lately (very interesting if you aint seen it by the way) at any rate one segment was of a big commercial and I think about half fast legal grow. Noticed the plants appeared about 6 or 7 feet tall and there was a crew going through there with scissors trimming off about half of each individual fan leaf. Sorta like getting a haircut as opposed to getting scalped. Got me to wondering since the fella was growing it for money he might be doing the right thing for the plant. Maybe that is how the Good Lord intended us to treat the fan leaves when we grow the stuff. It would sorta split the difference twixt the trimmers and non trimmers such as yourself. Whutcha think?

Actually the fan leaf is what is producing that flower.


most of the plants i cut fan leaves off of had smaller buds than the ones i never touched now my rule of thumb is if it comes off when its yellow an you touch it then it was ment to come off otherwise i'd leave em they make mad food for your nugs. its like sure shot said that fan leaf is making you flower
most of the plants i cut fan leaves off of had smaller buds than the ones i never touched now my rule of thumb is if it comes off when its yellow an you touch it then it was ment to come off otherwise i'd leave em they make mad food for your nugs. its like sure shot said that fan leaf is making you flower
well i haven't clipped them all just a few that need it im going to see wat happens and keep this thread going, but yes i thinnk that a hair cut does make more sence then a buzz. on another note...i have been pruning the leaves off the biggest plant since it was bigg enough to prune and it has more flowers and branches then the others, except for my mutated plant that i havent touched and the bigger one is still bigger soo...:-P


all of the branches on your big plant would just be fat nugs if you would have left the fan leaves i just think they get denser if ya leave em the bud sites are more to the stem giving you a fat stick of bud