Well-Known Member
Hey I posted this somewhere else but you seem like you know a lot. Maybe you can help. Thanks
So this is my first project. I was working on plans for a box to put in the garage, which seemed like an ideal place until I realized that there is no vent. Shit. Well I have a room air conditioner that I don't use, and - forgive me if this is a stupid idea - could I just place it in the garage with the box and connect it to the intake fan on the bottom of the box? The garage is on a ground floor and gets very little sun. It's not all that hot now but I'm worried the summer is gonna change that. The box will be 2.5 by 4.5 by 6 feet and I won't be using anything hotter than a 600 watt hps. Will the A/C even help without drawing air from outside the room? Do I even need it or will having an intake and outtake fan in there be enough? The garage will open and shut a few times a day so some fresh air comes in. My alternative locations are small and more troublesome. I don't wanna just give up on this. I'm stoked and wanna make this work. Please help.
Venting of the enclosed space is absolutely necessary. What you are doing is enclosing co2 eating monsters, they will need 'fresh air'. Air that is not co2 depleted. You can't put fresh air in unless you pull stale air out. And if you are going to put a 600 watt furnace in that size box you will want to air cool the light separate from the intake and exhaust system. Don't forget the oscillating fan to keep the air moving.
If your going to cool the whole garage.......?? VV