Cheap, Abundant, Cleaner (as Clean is a misnomer)
Though compared to any other power source Nuclear is probably the Cleanest. Solar will require littering our landscape with solar panels, and wind with wind mills, and both of those require special locations to build them.
Tidal power requires bays, harbors and inlets with strong tidal action, and once again litters areas with junk.
No, ultimately it is better to find a mountain in an unpopulated area for the radioactive waste and bury it, and use nuclear energy.
Environmentalists strike me as odd in their hatred of nuclear energy when Solar and Wind make the landscape look so much more disgusting imo.
I guess I'd consider myself an environmentalist in the sense that I think it's important to protect the environment. But I also think we should be utilizing every single option available, solar, wind, wave, geo-thermal, nuclear, anything that produces energy. But you have to find a balance, an equalibrium for nature. If we somehow worked out all the kinks in each of these technologies but put the environment in danger while doing it, that would just create new problems in the future.
I don't care what the landscape looks like, what it looks like isn't really that important. I forgot where I heard this but if they placed a ton of solar panels in the mojave desert and out near Vegas, I think the size was pretty big, somewhere near 100 sq miles, it could produce a substantial amount of electricity. In that scenario I think the right move would be to use the solar panels as it's not critically damaging to the environment.
The shit we need to get past is oil and coal, both of those are becoming obsolete and both are huge contributors to greenhouse gases, disregarding the rest of the bullshit that's been discussed on this forum about oil and how many greedy bastards control it's profits. There's no such thing as clean coal technology.