Need Advice


so im growing a sativa/indica mix called amnesia lemon,first grow and its 45th day of flowering, all of the fan leave have what looks like dried up, they are brown and crispy, the buds look nice bud im worried that the plant might die. my question is will the plant survive to around the 65th day which i think is around when should be finished or should i harvest it now in hopes i can get something from it? can a plant with hardly any leaves and just the buds survive for long?


Active Member
Some level of dying off is normal as the end of the flower cycle signals the end of the plants natural life cycle.
It will at the end start sucking nutes and water from the leaves as it devotes everything it has to flower/seed production.
While your plant most likely is not producing seeds, it will still follow this basic rule of it's life cycle.


ok so i should just continue on, ive heard that sativa plants have late growth in the buds and im hoping to not miss that. first time grow so i wouldnt know if the plant was going to die or not.


Active Member
The more experienced guys might chime in if you could provide some pics of the plant.
That would let them know if it's normal aging / dying out, or a nute/ ph problem of some sort.
My personal experience is limited so I can really only tell you what I've seen to be normal in the massive amount of time I've spent digging these forums, and other sources.


The more experienced guys might chime in if you could provide some pics of the plant.
That would let them know if it's normal aging / dying out, or a nute/ ph problem of some sort.
My personal experience is limited so I can really only tell you what I've seen to be normal in the massive amount of time I've spent digging these forums, and other sources.
some pictures

