Qpon's Pot of Gold AeroGarden Grow - Flowering Stage


Active Member
Hey everyone I was growing outdoors with my AG for the first est. 1 1/2 to 2 months of this plants like I recently brought it inside for flowering with CFLs.

(I also brought an outdoor soil plant in a double gulp cup)

The plant went through severe nute burn around 3 weeks in and was in shock for a week that is why it was so small at 1 1/2 to 2 months in

I'll post a picture before It started flowering stage while it was outside.

The plant was getting very good light but we needed it indoors for security reasons.

anyway the grow is doing very well right now we've got

2 68w CFL bulbs - 15 dollars at home depot
2 40w CFL stick bulbs - had em in my garage not sure how much they run.
2 23w CFLs in lamps
and the 2 AG lights
2 AIR Stones( and a Pump that can be found at any petsmart/petco etc - we used a metal T connector thing it helped sink the stones too and we got a fan.

If theres anything the set up should use to optimize this plants growth then please tell me what I should get.

I'm feeding it 7-9-5 nutrients - DynaGro Grow (vegging) formula - we're going to get DynaGro (flowering) formula which is 3-12-6.

I was wondering what the best combination of nutrients was (ie 5-5-5 etc )

Thanks in advance everybody, if theres anything you feel I should know please tell me.



Active Member
The plants doing really well today - its getting bigger daily.

Gave it more vegging nutrients The water was getting pretty lower I was wondering if its normal for the water to get low pretty fast.
How long into the flowering lighting does it take for buds to start forming?



Active Member

The second of week of flowering is coming to an end, the plant is doing pretty well still but I've found some traces of bug bites - anyone know a good way to get rid of them besides spraying chemicals?

The top seems be stretching up a little more than usual today but I'm not worried about it, the lights are close enough for very little elongation.

Anyway, here are some new pics, i moved the set up around and I haven't seen any budding yet, How long does it usually take to get buds?

The very lower level leaves are a little weird with some brown on there, should I just remove these lower leaves or just let them stay? There is also another leaf that looks almost see throughish but you can see the leaf fibers. Should I remove these too they're all very small leaves that are probably of little to no significance.

And guys, please give me any input or opinions.. any reply would be cool =p



Active Member

The second of week of flowering is coming to an end, the plant is doing pretty well still but I've found some traces of bug bites - anyone know a good way to get rid of them besides spraying chemicals?

The top seems be stretching up a little more than usual today but I'm not worried about it, the lights are close enough for very little elongation.

Anyway, here are some new pics, i moved the set up around and I haven't seen any budding yet, How long does it usually take to get buds?

The very lower level leaves are a little weird with some brown on there, should I just remove these lower leaves or just let them stay? There is also another leaf that looks almost see throughish but you can see the leaf fibers. Should I remove these too they're all very small leaves that are probably of little to no significance.

And guys, please give me any input or opinions.. any reply would be cool =p

Tried a home made pesticide made from garlic and jalepeno, hopefully it works. I'll let everyone know what happens. Also, still no signs of buds!


Active Member
Tried a home made pesticide made from garlic and jalepeno, hopefully it works. I'll let everyone know what happens. Also, still no signs of buds!
not sure about the homemade pesticide, but as far as flowering mine took approx a week to show signs of sex. Mine may have shown quicker because I gave her 48 hrs of darkness before I switched to 12/12 because I heard it worked good, and it must have.

also it takes longer for everything with CFL's

heres mine from the start

and here a few pics 2 wks into flower. just hairs, no actually bud formation yet. some of the leaves are nute burned a little, but I'm working through that



Active Member
not sure about the homemade pesticide, but as far as flowering mine took approx a week to show signs of sex. Mine may have shown quicker because I gave her 48 hrs of darkness before I switched to 12/12 because I heard it worked good, and it must have.

also it takes longer for everything with CFL's

heres mine from the start

and here a few pics 2 wks into flower. just hairs, no actually bud formation yet. some of the leaves are nute burned a little, but I'm working through that
Thanks for the pics it helped me understand what it looks like when buds are coming in, I definitely have a few coming in I'll take pics tomorrow. I'm not sure if the pesticide will work but its garlic/jalepeno'd up as of right now and I see no bugs, we'll see tomorrow morning how the leaves look.


Active Member
Thanks for the pics it helped me understand what it looks like when buds are coming in, I definitely have a few coming in I'll take pics tomorrow. I'm not sure if the pesticide will work but its garlic/jalepeno'd up as of right now and I see no bugs, we'll see tomorrow morning how the leaves look.
Alright well the organic pesticide didn't hurt any of the leaves or anything. I dont see any bugs in there either but it reaks of jalepeno and garlic. I dont recommend using this stuff if they're budding because if it gets on the buds thats probably bad news. I made sure to keep it on fan leaves and stuff. also, im out of batteries so i cant take pics atm but I will later.


Active Member
Alright well the organic pesticide didn't hurt any of the leaves or anything. I dont see any bugs in there either but it reaks of jalepeno and garlic. I dont recommend using this stuff if they're budding because if it gets on the buds thats probably bad news. I made sure to keep it on fan leaves and stuff. also, im out of batteries so i cant take pics atm but I will later.

atleast you don't have to worry about the real smell then.....i would not spray buds as they form because i think that it would cause mold, and unless you have a STD i don't think you wanna be smoking penicillin

i circled the female flowers that are at the nodes. when the bud forms out the top, you only see the hairs. They kinda look like a teardrop with 2 long white hairs sticking out of the point.



Active Member
atleast you don't have to worry about the real smell then.....i would not spray buds as they form because i think that it would cause mold, and unless you have a STD i don't think you wanna be smoking penicillin

i circled the female flowers that are at the nodes. when the bud forms out the top, you only see the hairs. They kinda look like a teardrop with 2 long white hairs sticking out of the point.
my plant has lots of those female hairs at the nodes, so itll be female but where do the buds start to appear? right at the nodes?


Active Member
my plant has lots of those female hairs at the nodes, so itll be female but where do the buds start to appear? right at the nodes?

don't quote me on this, but i think almost everywhere the hairs are as long as there is enuf light


Active Member
Well guys its been a really long time since I updated, I've been pretty busy and but I've taken some good care of the plant. the buds started coming in about 5 days ago we saw the first buds with hairs, now they're loaded with hairs and looking danker and danker every day.

I really recommend pot of gold for AG growing.

I fixed the bug problem it was just one catterpillar that got in there and was feasting. Hes since died RIP pillar of destruction

Here are some pics, ive got a few of the big gulp plant in there too.



Well-Known Member
nice man, you have taken good care of her, lookin great, smoke pot of gold many times, good shit man, what kind of lighting are you using for flowering?


Active Member
[quote="SICC";2648106]nice man, you have taken good care of her, lookin great, smoke pot of gold many times, good shit man, what kind of lighting are you using for flowering?[/quote]
Thanks, I'm using 2 23w CFL 2700k lights, 2 26w CFL 2700k lights, 2 40w CFL 2700k lights, and 2 68w CFL 2700k lights.

CFL's can get annoying with the accidental burning because its good to have them as close as possible without damaging the plant so you need to move them a few centimeters up everyday, well.. atleast the 68 watters the 40w bar ones don't get hot at all and the 23w/26w only get hot on the sides not on the front or back. So its good to angle them with the back or front forward so you can get closer.

I've learned alot so far from this grow and I expect my next to be much .. much better. my set up has to much duct tape holding lights in place, its not reliable at all. hahaha

the only thing im worried about right now is wether or not I should use some crazy bloom booster nutrient at 8 weeks in or just say fuck it and continue using my 3-12-6 formula which seems to be working well.. Oh and making sure the nugs are as dense as possible, CFLS can cause nugs to elongate and become really fluffy.


Well-Known Member
Yea man cant trust that duct tape, killed two of my first attempts not too long ago from my lights falling on the plants haha, I think if you have enough CFL's, you can get some dense buds, or at least decent, funny thing is my top cola's from my first harvest, cut em down a couple weeks ago, were fluffy, but my lower bud sites were all dense so its kinda weird, i would just sticc with what you got right now, if you can, im sure the booster will help, still pretty early in flowering


Active Member
I'm hoping the top cola isnt to fluffy since its surrounded with the most powerful light in there, but the 2 40 wats are feeding the back of the plant while 1 23 watt is helping the front and 1 of the 23 wats is on the lower area giving some lower nugs light. I doubt this nug will be to fluffy because I read that pot of gold makes "especially" dense nugs. I had some CFL grown nug a week ago from a buddy it was so awfull.. so fluffy and stretched and the hairs were just falling off, it was horrible! It gave me nightmares, i had cured my bud and I opened a baggy to smoke some and it literally looked just like the fluffy bud I remember that day... hahha


Use organic dish soap (just a bit) with bottled water and spray for bugs. If buds are in, don't spray...just spray leaves one at a time if possible otherwise you'll be smoking soapy buds. Garlic water is also a good organic way to get rid of bugs. Press garlic and add bottled water. Same as above, don't spray buds for obvious reasons. If plant is full of buds, get organic root sticks at any garden store. Stick them in the soil and water. Read instructions and don't go overboard with the sticks; they'll burn your plant. Hope this helps.


Active Member
thanks for the info man.

anyway, this is just a small update. the plant is doing very VERY well its buds are getting more and more hairy. Trychomes have started to appear the nugs are pretty much covered in little white kieflike specs, its amazing. Sooo many trychomes.


Yes the buds will start from where you see the hairs. If you look at where the hairs are coming from you will see little empty seed sacks start to grow. As the buds grow more and more of these seed sacks will grow on top of each other with shorter leaves in between forming the buds. I have never flowered under cfl's so could not give you much advice there. Have you started to change your nutes yet I like to stay with veg nutes my first couple weeks of flower then start the flowering nutes.


Active Member
Yes its on 3-12-6 bloom nutrients, we switched 2 and a half weeks into flowering. Week 4 is coming to a close tomorrow. I'll take new pictures later, we changed the set up by moving one of the 23ws and a 68w, we got the 68 more towards the front of the plant because it wasn't getting as much light over there and the other 68w is still hanging directly over the top cola and the 23w is on the left side of the main stalk.