help me out please!!


i've been growing an outdoor anti mould strain (AMS) for round 3 weeks now.

however i feel as if i should be providing nutrients for the plant! sofar all i have used is standard compost.

when and what should i add to the plant to increase vegitation??

should i stake the plant to give it support in the wind??

when will i know if my baby is a girl??:eyesmoke:

please have a look at the two photos and tell me what you think!!

any advice will be greatly appreciated!!!!:bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
The pics look great! Usually you don't want to feed your plants any fertilizers or nutrients until at least the 3rd to 4th week of vegetation. In the vegative stage plants need Nitrogen for Stem and Leaf development. Also Phosphate is needed by the plant to promote Root development. These are the 2 most import nutrients your plant will intake to excel maximum potential of growth in the veg cycle. A great Nitrogen Supplement is either Freeze-Dried Blood Worms(found at a fish store) or Blood Meal(found at a garden shop). A great Nitrogen & Phosphate supplement is Bone Meal(found at a garden shop). If all natural doesnt matter to you... Miracle Grow makes a great plant food for mary jane(surprisingly) called 'Miracle Grow Tomato Plant Food'. This fertilizer contains a good amount of nutrients your plant needs for the veg cycle. Staking your plants is always a good idea! It will ensure that at no point will your little girls topple over do to water misting or wind. I would assume it would help to encourage a stronger main stem.


Well-Known Member
pinkflydy you dont miss a beat ! woodies pot, bang on!!:lol:[/quote]

;-)....nice 1.
I tried 2 of these outdoors last year & it was mid november before they finished & didn't get much off em (newbie mistakes)&(poxy weather)
Don't worry they'll be female & dont stress em too much.
pinkflydy you dont miss a beat ! woodies pot, bang on!!:lol:
:idea: went and got a pretty big bucket today and repotted the plant, the roots had spread out all the way to the edge of the woodies pot so i reckon she has a bit more breathing space!

i staked her up too, loosely and i think its worked a treat! only the leaves move in the wind now as opposed to the stem bending in the wind.

as sunkissed said i went and got some tomato plant food. only added half the recommended dose, didnt want to shock my baby! readin the back it contains phosphorus and nitrogen so hopefully that should be ok :?:

pinkfloydy did you plant anti mould strain last year?? did you grow in a garden or guerilla grow?

also could u please tell me some of the mistakes u made so can try avoid them??!:wall:

im in ireland so yeah the weather is crap but im holding out for a good summer! we had a week of sunshine last week and the plant shot up!! if we got anything like that during the summer, maybe i could get a decent yield??

:leaf: any advice tips or comments as always leaves me indebted to you growers :-P!!


Well-Known Member
I grew em in pots in the garden & it was my 1st grow. My 1st mistake was PH...I never gave it much thought until the leaves started twisting & curling because they weren't getting the nutes they needed.:dunce: I also overwatered em & over nuted em....Crazy! Just don't fuss over them too much man & watch that PH & ye will be fine. Your plant is looking good for 3 weeks.
Oh yeah watch out for slugs....the fuckers.
I added a couple of pics,Ist 2 are outdoor & 3rd is indoor with 200w CFL. outdoor plant is a bit miserable looking, but i still got a nice few smokes from it.I've resigned to growing indoors now because of the shitty Irish weather.
Good Luck.

