URGENT! Snapped Plant nearly in half!

I was trying to LST my plant and bent the plant a tiny bit to far (because im an idiot) and it snapped nearly in half about three inches from the bottom. I put a long piece of plastic in the soil near the center of the plant to hold it up for now, is there anything I can do or am I going to lose the plant?


Well-Known Member
Well if too much of the tissue is ripped, it will not be able to repair itself; Hopefully it will pull through, its a weed; you'd be suprised what it can withstand :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I did that recently to by flowering plant.Held the branch together,then tapped the hell out of it with floral tape.
It is healed and still getting fatter.Just tape it up really good.


Active Member
I thought of telling him to tape it too, I have done that many of times. But in Bloom when the meristem is already big.
I wonder if the stem being so small will have issues, like constriction.bongsmilie
Haha just tape it up or use a non medicated bandaid haha. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I did that recently to by flowering plant.Held the branch together,then tapped the hell out of it with floral tape.
It is healed and still getting fatter.Just tape it up really good.
Floral Tape you say bongsmilie? I'm gonna have to get some of that and keep it around. You know, just in case.


Well-Known Member
I would use this floral tape I just heard of. I am going to look for it this week and put it with my garden tools.


Well-Known Member
i wonder if liquid skin would work......the main point of taping is to prevent any possible diseases/infections/pests right? im pretty sure but idk