bugs nute def. wtf is goin on pics help plz


New Member
Ok so I went in the room and saw this http://m725.photobucket.com/albums/erkelsgoo420/?pbauth=1_uLEBonVPfaLdh1h3YMYz2d23xwntUa92m9/yoJGkHkypsZcn3ZcxEPHmboGw1KXWNSstD1DmSkqYmKlGK6swM9da6Uy+C67UrnnDhtNB0ZrP5ZLfDTcg5SdQ6Ux6n6TM0RFAuxT9eWl98PCnSIuaXgrTQiUIBJDl8OCqQgKMy7A=

The first five pics are the problem its only affecting one branch on one plant but don't want it to spread... I am using ffof my ph is 6.7 runoff is 6.1 they're watered a day after I think it needs it I'm using age old bloom and that's it _nder a 250mh and its aircooled and too far away to burn without it plus its a lower branch I found cakey almost stucco lookin shit all over the leaf undersides and the tips look really weird (also pictured) not like any nute burn I've seen. Please take the time to click the link and help me get these ladies goin right.. If u like what u see please stop and check out my "attempt at a growlog" thanks in advance riu idk what I would do without u.. And fuck indoors I never had these problems til new neighbothoods forced me in. Anyhow thanks again riu peace and smoke


New Member
Bump save my ladies!! Lol I looked closer and there is stipling (sp?) It seems and the are a bunch of tiny black dots on a couple leave undersides if u look close u can see them in the pic (sorry about the quality I'm on a blackberry


New Member
Also sorry they're *bout 2 weeks into flower and the rh isn't known but its prolly a good 80+ (I know I know I'm workin on it) but temps are now kept strictly and exactly 70f day 60 night as I wasn't sure about the black dots and shit so I wanted to slow it anyway possible I have had thrips wheb I was growing actual veggies inside this house so maybe??


New Member
Ok its getting worse and worse all the plants are startin to brown out and get crispy in some spot and the side edges of the leaves are rollingthemselves toward the center but it doesn't curl or even burn at the tips really so idk if its nute burn or what but I only use organic age old and at half strength with a flush every third watering. Please help!! I will get pics on as soon as photo bucket quits fuckin with me


New Member
need some help from experienced growers - Marijuana Growing

check the above link very useful.

it looks like u have two things goin on bug and a def i think MG could be wrong rea that post to find out for sue .

sum neem oil shoul control ur bug problem

my bad the links no longer working. sorry
Thanks anyway lol. I should mention I have been using neem oil every watering and spray about every five days I also release about a hundred lady bugs every other day I think they're called thrips but there little stick or worm like things that blend almost perfectly with the veins on the underside and I found the other day that they can jump a good 2in up they're barely visible to the naked eye but there are also random holes and chunks in the leaves and on the edge but they seem too big for how small the bugs are I don't know what else to do I'm about 2 weeks into flower with little buds poppin eveywhere and already have high humidity so idk lol.

Also as for the leaves curlin weird and browning could this be root bound? I went to feel if I should water and it was like a maze gettin around roots. They were slightly poking out of the 10x7.67x7.67 rose buckets they started in so I moved them into 8.5x8.5 square pots about two weeks ago but there is about an inch and a half of hydroton at the.bottom to help drainage so they didn't get a whole lot more room.. Sorry for the rant I just have me and two patients depending on a decent harvest


New Member
Bump added new pics of the problems I think they should be a ot clearer please take the time to cliclk the link and give ur thoughts also they're about 4foot and in almost 9x9sq pots


New Member
I'm 2 weeks into flower and don't have the room for 5gal but I'm feeding age old bloom every other water 3/4 tbsp in two gallons of water (a little under half reccomended) I'm new to indoor so this shit is overwhelming lol idk how full of roots the pot should feel but when I poked the soil I fel all root


New Member
it looks to me like they just aren't getting enough light, so the bottom branches are quitting.
Bump leached and flushed again.. Did it 3 days ago as well hope it helps a little also went and about half lollipopped em got rid of anything lookin sickly or infested and threw em in the fire.. Started with don't bug me today.. Hope somethin happens


Well-Known Member
I dont think indoor is over whelming at all. With all the right precautions you can prevent anything. With outdoors its anything goes cause your planting on bugs/animals territory. Not knockinv outdoor grows at all though cause they look the most natural and beautiful. Goodluck hope they pull through.


New Member
I dont think indoor is over whelming at all. With all the right precautions you can prevent anything. With outdoors its anything goes cause your planting on bugs/animals territory. Not knockinv outdoor grows at all though cause they look the most natural and beautiful. Goodluck hope they pull through.
This make sense however there is the human variable indoors. Outdoors somethin goes wrong its just "fuckin nature" but inside I'm like "fucking IDIOT" so I tip my hat to u indo's. On another note what are ur thoughts on bug bombong..anyone? I have arachnophobia like a mofo and there's spiders everywhere so I need to bomb the place anyway but am I safe to do so.. I have at least six weeks to harvest so will I be good or will the bomb itself show ill effects on the ladies? Thanks!

On a lighter not the paranoia caused a redesign I now have inline fans and a cf extracted through the lights and suckin hard (hopefully they can fall victim to the hid) as well I hit them with don't bug me and picked up a dehumidifire (is 35qt enough for a 8x12 room?) Its all I can afford and where should it be the closer the better or is there a limit? Wind burn considered obviously I won't lay it on them as it blows rather surprisingly hard.but I want it to be effective. I have taken ALL water out of the room and sealed it off as well as possible... Any tips? Lol like maybe move them outside? Lol I wish I could but the neighbors like to use. My bamboo stakes as weapons to beat my lafies to the ground (mind u I'm medicinal compliant) should I just move them out and camp w/ a stungun? Muahaha


i may be full of BS but i dout it...if u spray ur plants witha water bottle and them put them back under the lights sumtimes it acts like a magnify glass and will burn ur leaves like ants in the sun


New Member
i may be full of BS but i dout it...if u spray ur plants witha water bottle and them put them back under the lights sumtimes it acts like a magnify glass and will burn ur leaves like ants in the sun
U are not. That is 100% accurate but I use I water wand and am VERY VERY careful about getting the leaves. And qwheb I do ill go as far as paper toweling the few spots off the leaf. Thabk u for the input tho it is much appreciated!


New Member
Think it been fixed they were a little hungry and apparently this strain is not too keen on neem oil in there water cause that seems to have been the problem gave them a good ro flush with some age old and they seem 10x better in just a day. Woot woot. Thank u riu! Ill remember ya at harvest ;)