Real Deal with Hermies


Active Member
Ok, so I have read many posts on this site as well as other sites about hermies mainly because I think I have one. It came from some bag seed that had lots of seeds in it but it was smokable and did give you a buzz. So my question to all of you experts out there is "Why would you want to kill a hermie?" I only have this one plant going and if is going to give me the same kind of stuff that it came from then it is worth it to me, I'll just pic the seeds out and smoke it. What is so wrong with that? Dont get me wrong I like the good bud with no seeds but when you dont have anything, something with seeds is better than nothing right? Please explain to me why you would want to kill you only plant that is more than likely a hermie? If it is all male then I guess I can understand why as it would not really have any bud on it and only pollen sacs but hermies have both and alot of the so called dirt or swag weed is full of seeds but it will still give you a buzz. Please explain, thank you for reading.


Well-Known Member
big daddy... at the point when the calyx catches the pollen... that bud will quit producing thc and produce seed... therefore making ur weed not a s potent... thats why sum seedless sens is gonna get u alot higher then nething with seeds.. sure u can get high off of it.. but im pretty sure most people that are growing try to grow the best possible bud they can... therefore cutting out all hermies and males to cut out ur pollen production.... im not "expert" but from all my readings/postings thats whut i have come up with


Well-Known Member
im currently finishing up a hermie.... thought she was a female forever... prolly took about 5 weeks to herm out.. it is my only plant so i figure let it grow..(as it cant affect anything) figure sum mango kush wit a few seeds is better then nothing... cnat wait till these fem'd seeds pop up in my veg room!


Active Member
That make sense, and yes growing my own I want to grow the best I can grow you have that exactly right but there are some things you cant control like (HERMIES/MALES) so I want to make the best of it while I can. I am starting new ones now, which I should have done in the first place. So basically the more seeds you have within the bud the less potent? Just wondering because I have had some really seedy shit and once you spent the time to pick it out it was not bad smoke, not the best but not bad. So when you get a bag off the street or whereever you get your shit and its not the good, its just cheap shwag with a bunch of seeds then that is basically a hermie plant, am I right? Would there be any instance when a male would produce anything to smoke? Most of the male pictures I see are just straight sacs and have nothing that even resembles bud. Thank you for your response it makes sense.


Well-Known Member
if the hermie early on, it will not be worth 1.5 oz wet from a hermie plant that hermied very early....i can get high, buts its not worth the effort. I have had a hermie appear 7-weeks into flower and got some damn good pot! from it...only the bottom half was seeded, the tops were all seedless! SO after saying that

IMO: ONLY get rid of a hermie if you have more than one plant OR if it hermies early in flower



Well-Known Member
I just discovered i have a hermie about 1 month and a half into flower. I'm gonna let mine grow in a seperate room. Supposedly the seeds from a hermie could be a higher percentage of females, or so I've heard.


Active Member
yeah i wouldnt kill it if its your only one. if you know well enough between the male and female parts then you can try to cut off the male parts. id use an exacto knife as it will be easier to get into tight spots.


Well-Known Member
I just discovered i have a hermie about 1 month and a half into flower. I'm gonna let mine grow in a seperate room. Supposedly the seeds from a hermie could be a higher percentage of females, or so I've heard.
Yeah, if you have self pollenized seeds from a hermie, those seeds will be feminized, or so I've heard.


Well-Known Member
thats not correct. hermied seeds are not females. You will need two female plants in flowering (with a little bit o bud) to get mostley female seeds. You have to stress the hell out of one plant so that it hermies. You takes the pollen from the hermie, pollinate the other female, and the female you pollinated will contain the female seeds.


Active Member
So, this may be a silly question, but are only the buds that actually get pollen dust on them going to seed, or will the entire plant switch over to seed production? I have 6 plants, 4 weeks into flowering all with nice small hairy bud sites going, but one hermied on me and dropped some pollen before I noticed. I pulled that one out right away but was figuring that all the other girls got pregnant cuz pollen gets everywhere and it's a small closet.

Is 4 weeks into an Indica flowering cycle too early to get decent, if seedy, bud?


Well-Known Member
So, this may be a silly question, but are only the buds that actually get pollen dust on them going to seed, or will the entire plant switch over to seed production? I have 6 plants, 4 weeks into flowering all with nice small hairy bud sites going, but one hermied on me and dropped some pollen before I noticed. I pulled that one out right away but was figuring that all the other girls got pregnant cuz pollen gets everywhere and it's a small closet.

Is 4 weeks into an Indica flowering cycle too early to get decent, if seedy, bud?
you will find out ;-) but yeah man, the buds that collected pollen will 4-weeks in you should get some decent bud.....but that sucks! could of been way better with out that hermie only pollinated bottom half....the tops were seedless......but was not as potent as it should of been.
