sprayed weed

Here in the netherlands and belgium, you see it a lot at the places where they sell big quantities for export to UK, France, Germany. They spray something on the plants during flowering that makes the buds keep their weight.

The only goal is to increase the weight of the buds.

They sometimes double the weight, and get double profit too because they can find people stupid enough to buy it.

However it's easy to see if you know what to look for: check a small quantity on a scale you will know if it looks too compact, also the smell is way less because there is some kinda filter on the buds or just smoke one (this spray makes the ashes become hard when smoking).

Just don't buy it if you don't trust it, even beter, grow it yourself!


Well-Known Member
The imigrants around my area mostly from china shake fabre glass over it to make it look has though it has more thc,f@cking crazy mothers i have been in one of these houses a friend of mine knows a guy who knows a guy who once was buying a kilo we went in and fuck me the house was full from top to bottom of grade a nice bud .did not need no shit on it it was great site there was even 6 /600 h.p.s going up the stairs ever room was full you could not move.there was 1 spare place just big enougth for 1 sleeping bag un f@cking real.triads my friend if not yardies that is who is doing that shit around here.


Active Member
ebay has a guy selling drug tests kits that the NHS health service use here in the UK screen for everything.. only 5 pound and it will be here tomorrow in the post. so i got one haha... wish i could get my hands on one of them back in the day, used to do some coke every now and again.. well at one point quite a bit, saw a dealer crush up some extacy tablets to powder and add it to his stash of coke before... if u can turn an E that costs him 1 pound in bulk into being worth 50 pound a gram they will do it, scummy wankers


Well-Known Member
This is why the stupid government should legalize and clean up this mess. Get rid of dealers and have shops, that sell clean and fresh drugs! Not just the weed.


Well-Known Member
Xoner i just read your comments about your styrafoam weed and to be honest ive been buying the same gear for about 3 weeks now. The bod called it Standard Dutch. Smells nice but the flavour on the tongue is different.


Well-Known Member
Here in the netherlands and belgium, you see it a lot at the places where they sell big quantities for export to UK, France, Germany. They spray something on the plants during flowering that makes the buds keep their weight.

The only goal is to increase the weight of the buds.

They sometimes double the weight, and get double profit too because they can find people stupid enough to buy it.

However it's easy to see if you know what to look for: check a small quantity on a scale you will know if it looks too compact, also the smell is way less because there is some kinda filter on the buds or just smoke one (this spray makes the ashes become hard when smoking).

Just don't buy it if you don't trust it, even beter, grow it yourself!
wow thats crazy.


Active Member
that is lame yea, i always use a filter in my joints, big box is cheap as fuck, that would protect from weed contaminated from ground up fiberglass and weed contaminated with sand , would have no effect with any chemical agents though, the dealers get up to all sorts of shit, thats why growing myself is great + cheap


Active Member
but tbh with a steel grinder, u can tell if it has sand or fiberglass in it very easy as u grind


Well-Known Member
Yer def true, i got the steel grinder with the little wire mesh collector and that builds up quite quickly!
Im getting some good 20 pound pieces!
Im happy.


Active Member
this is the first stuff i have ever got that im unsure of, other than some grit weed i ended up with one time, out of years of buying, but people have defo said lots of times that they passed buying a batch of weed cos it was sprayed with something to me, dealers etc.. it can happen


Well-Known Member
wow.. thats fucking crazy!!! i never knew they put 1/2 that shit in weed!!! in the use.. along the east coast.. alotta people will try selling you "wet" weed...?? which is weed sprayed with embalming dluid.. ive never had any myself.. but have talked to people who have... just a thought.. it coulda been that?? maybe it was sprayed with embalming fluid...?? i know at the local smoke shops around here... they sell sprays.. (for tobaco of course.. lol) that are flavored all different flavors like strawberry/blueberry/watermelon... etc.. i was thinking maybe that person who said something about the cough syrup smell... maybe it was just a flavor spray?? i actually wanted to ry the flavor spray on som ebud and see how it tastes...?


Well-Known Member
damn i will never by off the street again!!! up with hope down with dope i dont use drugs just WEED peace yall.