This will continue to happen. Groups of people will be demonized because of a few nutjobs. More pushing for gun bans and/or other weapons. They'll make laws against hate crimes. You'll be arrested for saying something cruel about blacks, mexicans, bisexuals, etc. Christians will be considered dangerous fanatics eventually, you will see.
And on the news, you will see nothing but domestic extremism, homegrown terrorists, and conspiracy theorists. Over and over again until the country is afraid to walk outside at night. It's interesting how the DHS came out with the Domestic Extremism Lexicon, just in time for these shootings to happen. Under the DEL, anti-abortion and psychotic veterans are considered terrorists. And what just happened recently? Abortion doctor murdered, guard from a holocaust museum is murdered. Sure does help prove Napolitano is right about domestic terrorists.
I know these lunatic shooters are on their own, but they are helping our government take over more of our lives. The more they kill, the more freedom we lose. They might even justify using FEMA Camps if the amount of "extremists" becomes alarming and a serious threat. By the time there are 10 or so shootings, they will consider anyone who reads conspiracies as a terrorist.
Now they have a reason to drag people from their homes. Domestic Terrorism.