Grow Medium and Nutrients


Active Member
I have been growing outdoors up until now, and I am new to indoor growing. I'd like some opinions on my grow set-up:

-I have room for and plan to grow a MAXIMUM of six plants.
-I will use a 250W Metal Halide Lamp for Veg and a 250W HPS lanp for floweing.
-My glow medium will consist of either 1/3 peat moss, 1/3 perlite, 1/3 vermiculite OR 1/2 peat moss, 1/4 perlite, 1/4 vermiculite.

I have two questions:

1. Is my grow medium appropriate, and is there any particular advatage to either of the ratios I provided?

2. How long after germination should I start to provide nutirents? My medium will b e completely nutrient free, so I don't want to go too long without feeding it. On the other hand, I don't want to kill it before it's stong enough to recieve nutes.

Any help is appreciated. Thank you!

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
hey land...

1. I would just use soil ( a great soil ) and perlite
2. you should wait at least 14-21 days if you are using a soil... if you are not using a soil, you may need to start (very very light - DILUTED) in the first 5- 7 days (if your medium is completely void of nutrients..



Well-Known Member
Save the trouble and go get a bag of ProMix or Sunshine. Your done no mixing bla bla bla. Make it better and go 50% coco and 50% promix.

I start my seeds/clones in translucent beer cups filled with MG starter soil. I just feed them water for 3 weeks than when root bound transplant and feed. You can see the roots growing so you know things are going well.


Active Member
I have been growing outdoors up until now, and I am new to indoor growing. I'd like some opinions on my grow set-up:

-I have room for and plan to grow a MAXIMUM of six plants.
-I will use a 250W Metal Halide Lamp for Veg and a 250W HPS lanp for floweing.
-My glow medium will consist of either 1/3 peat moss, 1/3 perlite, 1/3 vermiculite OR 1/2 peat moss, 1/4 perlite, 1/4 vermiculite.

I have two questions:

1. Is my grow medium appropriate, and is there any particular advatage to either of the ratios I provided?

2. How long after germination should I start to provide nutirents? My medium will b e completely nutrient free, so I don't want to go too long without feeding it. On the other hand, I don't want to kill it before it's stong enough to recieve nutes.

Any help is appreciated. Thank you!

i would use a a bigger light for flowering. a 400w would be good for 6 plants.

1. that medium has too much drainage. 30% of perlite,vermiculate or a combination should be plenty.

2. if i were you i would start with a nutrient based medium or a good potting soil. that will take all the guesswork out of it.

in general seedlings or clones dont need many nutrients. in the first week or so you shouldnt need anything. i use a soilless mix without nutes for seeds and cuts but it has worm castings or compost in the mix so that provides subtle nutrients to get me through until the babies are rooted. then i transplant the babies into potting soil and im good,no nutes for 3-4 weeks just water. i make my own mix. this mix is cheap to make, good quality, and most things are readily available in most areas. check this link out it might help.