Smoking Habits


Active Member
Well, I'm a fairly new smoker (I just started about three months ago), but I moved away from the area in which I first started smoking. I had lived in an area that didn't have a whole lot of money and in response, the smokers were more conservative and probably how I imagine most pot smokers to act and smoke.

Where I currently live and will be living for a while, there's a lot more money in the area and you could definitely say that it's an upper-middle to lower-upper class area. I'm trying to figure out if this happens in many other places, or if it's just screwed up, rich bitch weird ass Florida logic. My best friend started smoking when she was 12, so she's been an on/off smoker for six years. The kids around here bleach the bowls after each use as to prevent their parents from finding out based on smell. That alone was weird enough, but furthermore, there's the attitude of, resin is useless because you can just buy more, to the point where my friend didn't even know what it was.

Needless to say, the smokers here aren't very conservative, then again, I learned with very conservative smokers (to the point where they taught me how to smoke out of a bowl and use a cover, I'd love to know if anyone else does as well or knows someone who does). An acquaintance of mine basically pulls the stem out of her pot, puts it all into the bowl and smokes it. If the kids around here use a grinder (my friend is very naive, she didn't know what one was because she usually gets hers pre-ground), they use every last bit of it, even the keef (is that spelled correctly), rather than saving it for a nest egg. In fact, nest eggs are unheard of, because there's never a "poor" time in which they would need it due to lack of funds.

My friend also considered pot drying out a good thing, because then it just crumbles and you don't have to grind it. I don't know how many people in my area smoke blunts and joints, but it doesn't appear that they sift out the seeds.

Basically what I'm wondering is, is this weird pot smoking behavior? I'm so new at this, but it seems like I have to teach my friend how to smoke all over again because whoever she learned with were inept.


Well-Known Member
I would not say that it is weird behavior to ditch the stems, seeds, and even resin. Thats just part of it: you got more money, you can be pickier about you high. I am by no means "rich", just your middle of the road college kid. I sometime smoke resin when it builds up, but would prefer to just buy more weed if I can, but thats is just preference.

Never heard of smoking a bowl "with a cover". What is that? And I dont have a grinder, but most of my friends do, and its just a matter of when I wanna drop the cash to get a pretty good one. That again is just preference. Some people some mind just breakin it up with their hands, other prefer to have the smoother smoking bowl that comes with grinding the weed in a grinder. My friends all save the keef, some to the point to where they have enough to roll a joint out of nothing but keef (usually for a special occasion to get extremely stoned to the bone).

To be honest though, I would say that smoking stems and seeds would be considered "weird" before throwing that stuff away. But it is really about preference. If you can rip a bowl full of seeds and stems and not feel like your head is splitting in half then more power to you. It kinda goes with experience too. When you first start smoking, schwag dirt weed is fine you know? But you gradually tend to get pickier if you have the funds, just like with alcohol. Aristocrat is fine when you are 16, but eventually you say screw that and buy Grey Goose


Active Member
Smoking with a cover is basically just taking a piece of cardboard (usually we tear the lid off of a cigarette box and fold it up) and after you light your hit (and start taking it), you put the cover on. The point is to stifle out the pot so that it doesn't just burn away. It's a way of making your pot last longer. I find it to be very practical, though it takes some getting used to. I used to never use it, my boyfriend in fact caught on much quicker than I did, then one day it just dawned on me why it's used and how (I was really baked at that time), so now I use one regularly. My friend tends to be quite dumb, so she would often put the cover on and snuff it out before she took her hit, so I guess if you want to use a cover, do it with friends who are little smart and will get the concept.


Well-Known Member
Ahaha That makes sense. I have never seen it done, or heard of it, but it does make sense.

Does that not make each taste like is it cashed though? It seems like each hit would taste like ash , whereas the first half a bowl smoked without a cover tastes really good.


Well-Known Member
well if you have the means too acquire more pot... why on earth would you smoke resin? "I don't know how many people in my area smoke blunts and joints, but it doesn't appear that they sift out the seeds." So these people smoke joints lined with seed?


Well-Known Member
what do you call resin where im from its hash and if its also hash where you are then why would you not smoke it?


Well-Known Member
well some people scrape their bowls to get all of the resin off the tastes like shit but gets you stoned. I think that is what Rosslyn meant. Thats what I meant by resin atleast.


New Member
i remember being 13 and scraping bowls to get resin smoking everything but seeds just to be high a little longer even if it meant not having weed the next day...those were good times


Active Member
sorry, I decided to check here while I was tripping out of my mind... None of the posts made sense. Anyhow, yes, resin is the the stuff on the bowl after you smoke with it. Yeah it tastes like shit, but it also has concentrated thc. I guess if it's something you don't HAVE to do it's not something you'd save, but in my penny pinching mind, it's a waste.


New Member
for a glass pipe what i do is let all the resin build up until its just so full its hard to get air then on a night im outta weed i scrape it and getting fuckin blowwwn


yeah i know pretty soon that im gonna need to scrape my pieces, what i always do is when i scrap my bowls, save the resin until i run outa bud

J Bobba

Yeah, your FL friends are out of thier minds. I usually have enough where I don't NEED resin, but I still smoke it sometimes! It gets you super high and I sure as fuck don't want to be smoking bleach.


Iv never had enough resin to get that high. I think im going to start saving that shit until one day when i can roll a fat ass blunt out of it. Sure it'll taste like shit but after a few hits i wont care :P