First Grow: How's she doing guys?


Active Member
Hello rollitup!

New member here, how's everybody doin? This is my first time growing & would like to know your guys' input on my plant. I decided to try it out with 3 seeds, one of which is a female. I'm about 3 weeks into flowering and have no idea what kind of strain i'm growing. I wanna say it's a sativa strain but I'll leave it to the experts to analyze! :p

For lights I am using 3 CFL's which seem to be doing the trick. I actually only started out using one 23W (100W replacement) CFL. The bulbs say they are 4000K's.

It's on a 12/12 light cycle. Some of the lower leaves have fallen off (fell straight off from the main stem). Also, some of the top stems are turning an amber color. I've read this is normal for some plants.

Enough with the yappin, here's some pix!



stays relevant.
She's green, doesn't look too bad. Could be doing better, but you know you gotta get started somewhere. Lets see how many people point out the obvious leaf burn like you don't already know ;)

Welcome to RIU bud :)


Active Member
She's green, doesn't look too bad. Could be doing better, but you know you gotta get started somewhere. Lets see how many people point out the obvious leaf burn like you don't already know ;)

Welcome to RIU bud :)
Haha, I knew someone would point out the leaf burn. Happened right after I watered the plant; frikken leaves stick straight up after I water it..:lol: Thx for the welcome!


Active Member
You guys are too kind lol..:lol: Anyone know what the yield is looking like? I'd like to get as much as possible but somehow I don't think I'll be getting too much off this plant.


Active Member
Can you tell what type of strain it is by those pix or is it too early to tell? (If you can at all)

Any idea on the yield?


Well-Known Member
I'd guess you'll probably get around 1 pound ! but you may get upto 2 pound if you solve the nute burn (which you may not have noticed yet) ! i would also recommend getting another 30 watt cfl to maybe push out 2 1/2 pound ! IMO ! take care and goodluck ! it looks like it may be an auto strain maybe AK47 ! JK !


Active Member
i cant believe its getting that big with 3 cfls. it looks good man. ive read though that having 4000k as temp is not good. it stresses plants try to get 2700k for flowering. and just to let u know 2 pounds is exactly what u wont get. i just harvested using over 300 watts of real cfl power and got about 2 ounces. so expect around that. you dont get much from cfl grows. i just grow to smoke =) and theres no way u can tell the strain. there is way to many to tell the differece. but who cares about the strain. whats more important is that u will get some great fresh smoke. over all though its looking good. happy growing


Active Member
i cant believe its getting that big with 3 cfls. it looks good man. ive read though that having 4000k as temp is not good. it stresses plants try to get 2700k for flowering. and just to let u know 2 pounds is exactly what u wont get. i just harvested using over 300 watts of real cfl power and got about 2 ounces. so expect around that. you dont get much from cfl grows. i just grow to smoke =) and theres no way u can tell the strain. there is way to many to tell the differece. but who cares about the strain. whats more important is that u will get some great fresh smoke. over all though its looking good. happy growing
crossart - Thanks for the valuable information. Sucks about the 4000's being bad for flowering; was hoping they'd be OK. I'm surprised as well that the plant has gotten so big on only 1 light. Just added 2 more about 2 weeks ago. But I agree; nothing beats free fresh bud! :weed:


Active Member
Nah unfortunately I'm not. Just watering every other day with Ice Mountain drinking water...don't want to use the sink water because it's well water and #1 it stinks like hell, #2 it's brown lol. What nutrients do you suggest? Could I still be adding nutrients at any stage of the grow?


Active Member
Looking really good, nice job! Doesn't look like it will be anything more than an ounce or two. Not sure why that one guy thinks your gonna get 2 pounds :eyesmoke: hahaha


Active Member
Nah unfortunately I'm not. Just watering every other day with Ice Mountain drinking water...don't want to use the sink water because it's well water and #1 it stinks like hell, #2 it's brown lol. What nutrients do you suggest? Could I still be adding nutrients at any stage of the grow?
Yea you usually start out with one type of feed during the veg. and another during flowering. I'm using a 20/20/20 for my veg. right now.

If I were you, I would go buy some water-soluble plant feed, you can find it at home depot, wal-mart or anywhere that has garden supplies. Get the kind that speicifically helps blossoming (sometimes it's called Blossom Booster) I think the rating is something like 10-30-20 or 12-35-15. All fertilizer labels must use this format to show their content. It states the percentage of Nitrogen-Phosphate-Potassium. So for example Blossom Booster 10-30-20 means it contains 10% Nitrogen, 30% Phosphate, and 20% Potassium. You just mix a little in with the water before you feed the plant, the bottle will have directions on exactly how much. O yea, and it's cheap as sh*t! Good Luck! :blsmoke:


Active Member
wow it looks really green without any help from nutes. well there are alot of diff nutes to use. i want to get some fox farm nutes. but for now i have some bogus nutes for veg. i live in mx so its hard to get quality shit around here. and for flowering i am using bat guano. u use different nutes at different stages in the plants life


Well-Known Member
u can have a good yield with cfl's to. a very good one actually. this is what i just had under cfl's :

and that plant is not a sativa. first of all is to green. Indica pants contain more chlorophyll (it is a very green color and takes less time to get mature) compare with the sativa which have less chlorophyll (it is not that green and takes longer to get mature).


Active Member
The Green Biologist - Thank you very much for all the useful information man! I just got back from Wal-Mart and the only thing I could find close to a 10-30-20 mix ratio was Miracle Grow Bloom Booster Flower Food. It reads 15-30-15...this good enough?? I picked it up but won't use it until I hear something back.

BTW - Is this stuff ok to smoke? Lol sorry if it sounds stupid but im just wondering.

crossart - Thanks man, I hope I'll get some nice bud off of this plant!

trombon84 - Damn man that yield is amazing! Thanks for clarifying about it not being a sativa.


Active Member
Just need to know if the nutes I bought are good enough..lemme know what you guys think!


I JUST STARTED OUT GROWING MYSELF. I used miracle grow and some top soil. Of course the soil and dirt are loose. I just wanted to know if i'm doing the right steps into having a good crop this year. I'm also using rose & flower insect killer spray. Give me your input. Thanks